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Glossary of Terms and Definitions
Glossary of Terms and Definitions

Do you ever feel like you don't understand someone, even if you're using the same words? Let's set the standard and speak the same language!

Updated over 4 months ago

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Throughout the glossary, you’ll find a lot of terms that are Bluecore-specific. These terms are marked with a blue heart. 💙

There are a few terms we use to describe people:

  • Shopper is someone who has yet to make a purchase with a brand.

  • Customer is anyone who has ever made a purchase from a brand.

  • User is someone who is using the Bluecore platform on a regular basis.

  • Retailer/Brand is a Bluecore customer that has purchased the platform and features as part of their tech stack.


A/B Test

  • Run a randomized experiment within a campaign with multiple variants to determine which will drive a higher outcome, like click-through rate, conversion rate, or revenue per engagement. Then, select the higher performing variant to be used.

Abandoned Cart

  • A shopper has an item in their cart, but did not remove it from their cart or left before completing their purchase.

Abandoned Product

  • A shopper viewed an item on a product detail page (PDP), but did not add to cart or complete their purchase.

Abandoned Search

  • A shopper clicks on a category or types in a search term on a website, but did not view a product page and did not add to cart or purchase. This term refers to the search itself, and not the entire website browsing behavior.

Activate 💙

  • Making the data that is integrated through onboarding actionable throughout the platform, like using customer behavior tracking to create targeted audiences.

  • This could include activating accounts, activating campaigns, and/or actioning data received in various ways (Imported into the UI, via the javascript snippet, or data exports/imports from APIs).

Active Buyer Lifecycle Stage 💙

  • Shoppers that made a purchase in the last year.

  • Within Customer Analytics, this segment is subdivided into two subcategories: Prior Year Existing & Prior Year New.

Alert subscription 💙

  • A Behavioral Signal on the Bluecore Globe that accounts for any campaign, message or tactic associated with a customer who has recently subscribed, whether Email or SMS.

  • This can include an onsite notification confirming the customer has subscribed, or an subscription confirmation email.

Allow list

  • An allow list is a cybersecurity strategy that approves a list of email addresses, IP addresses, domain names or applications, while denying all others.

Application Programming Interface (API)

  • Two or more software applications communicating with each other using requests and responses.

  • A software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Allowing theories computed by machines to work efficiently and solve problems.

  • Bluecore’s Predictive Retail AI can help you personalize product recommendations, find at-risk customers, offer adaptive onsite experiences, and predict customer behavior.

At-risk Buyers Lifecycle Stage 💙

  • Shoppers or customers who are slipping from their typical buying cycle and are at-risk of not purchasing again.

Attribute 💙

  • A characteristic or inherent element used to describe a customer, product, or behavior that can be used in Bluecore to personalize and segment audiences and campaign content.

  • For example, Customer attributes refer to non-personal labels that can be used to group behavioral data into persona groups or categories, such as gender, loyalty level, age group, propensity to buy, etc.


  • Attribution is a measure used to understand purchases influenced by campaigns.

Attribution Window

  • The time frame after a campaign that a purchase is credited towards revenue generated from that campaign.


  • A group of shoppers defined by customer attributes that are used for targeting a campaign.

  • Audiences enable retail marketers to segment and personalize their campaigns, leading to greater retention, conversions, and new incremental revenues.

Auto-Winner A/B Test 💙

  • A type of A/B test where the campaign variants are sent out to a small percentage of the overall audience. Based on the initial results, the ‘holdout’ or remainder of the audience will receive the highest performing variant.

Automated Campaigns 💙

  • A recurring campaign. Campaign sends can be prompted by a defined cadence or a change in a customer or product attribute.

  • Many automated campaigns are Trigger campaigns. See Trigger.

Average Order Value (AOV)

  • The average amount of money customers are spending per order with a brand.

  • Total Sales divided by total orders.

AOV Growth

  • The rate at which your customers are increasing their AOV (average order value) over their lifecycle.


Back in Stock Campaign 💙

  • A type of campaign that notifies shoppers that an item they viewed is now back in stock and can be purchased.

Banner / Infobar Layout Type 💙

  • A type of Bluecore Site™ campaign layout that’s displayed on the top or bottom of a website, usually promoting a sale or an announcement.

Batch 💙

  • Campaigns sent to a group or list of people. Batch campaigns are sent one time instead of recurring, and are usually sent to a list that doesn't rely on an action in order for them to qualify.

  • Batch campaigns are only sent to customers that are opted-in.

  • Batch campaigns are typically built as one-time campaigns. See One-time campaigns.

Bluecore Advertise™ 💙

  • Bluecore Advertise™ is Bluecore’s product line that allows you to export Bluecore audiences to paid media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, and Criteo. You can then create media campaigns in those channels.

  • A predictive marketing solution that uses retail-specific AI and first-party data to target the right shoppers in paid media channels to boost Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

Bluecore Communicate™ 💙

  • Bluecore Communicate™ is Bluecore’s product line that allows you to target personalized campaigns to audiences through email and mobile text messages.

Bluecore Site™ 💙

  • Bluecore Site™ is Bluecore’s product line that allows you to capture new shopper’s information and target personalized campaigns to audiences directly on a company’s eCommerce website.

Brand 💙

  • Bluecore’s customers, or the clients currently purchasing or using Bluecore’s platform and capabilities.

Browse Abandonment

  • A shopper viewed an item on a product page, but did not add to cart or purchase. This is sometimes referred to as window shopping.


  • A person who has made a purchase in the current year.

Buyers - Customer Movement data 💙

  • Within Customer Analytics, "Buyers" represent the result of this year's efforts and the numbers of customers that have made a purchase in this year.

  • Sales and Orders are derived from Buyers in each segment.

Buyer Penetration - Customer Movement data 💙

  • The percentage of your customer base who made a purchase, broken down by the customer movement cohorts (New Buyers, 2-year Buyers, 3-year+ Buyers).


Cost of Acquisition per Customer (CAC)

  • CAC is calculated by dividing the total cost spent to get customers to buy (via sales and marketing) by the number of customers that actually bought goods. This gives you the total cost to acquire each new customer.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

  • A button or link that prompts a recipient to do something, or take action. (Example: “Add to Cart”).

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

  • The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) gives consumers more control over the personal information that businesses collect about them, and the CCPA regulations provide guidance on how to implement the law.


  • A marketing message targeted to an audience that can be sent through a range of Bluecore’s communication channels, such as email, text message, social media, and website.

Cascading Stylesheet (CSS)

  • CSS is the language used for describing the presentation (i.e. colors, layout, fonts) of web pages written in a markup language such as HTML.

Cash Flow

  • Cash flow is the movement of money in and out of a company. For example, a luxury brand will have a high volume of cash received from sales but will also have a high volume of cash spent to create and sell those goods. A positive cash flow is one way to measure the health of a company’s finances.

Catch-Up Campaigns 💙

  • A catch up campaign is a campaign that targets customers who should have qualified and received a campaign, like Abandon Cart, but were opted out due to campaign or channel level settings. (Example: frequency cap).


  • Mediums through which you can send a campaign to its intended audience.

  • Bluecore’s communication channels typically include text messages, emails, website, and social media, but through audience exports, Bluecore can distribute content through any channel.

Click Through Rate (CTR)

  • The total number of campaign clicks out of the total number of sends or impressions, expressed as a percentage for email and SMS.

Click-to-Conversion Rate

  • The total number of conversions divided by the number of clicks expressed as a percentage for email and SMS.

Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR)

  • The total number of clicks divided by the total number of email opens.

Closed 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "User Engagement conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign if they’ve closed or dismissed the related campaign.

Commitment 💙

  • In the context of unified pricing, commitment refers to the amount of clicks and sends a customer has purchased in their plan and commits to using.

Consumption 💙

  • In the context of unified pricing, consumption refers to how much (%) of the committed total of clicks/sends a customer has already used.

Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing (CAN-SPAM)

  • CAN-SPAM is the acronym for Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing. It is a US law enacted in 2003 that gives commercial email recipients the right to stop your business (or any business) from sending them emails.

Conversion (Marketing)

  • The point at which a recipient of a campaign performs a desired action.

Conversion (Retail)

  • The act of making a purchase or order.

Conversion Rate

  • The number of orders divided by the total number of shopping experiences, expressed as a percentage.


  • Cookies are small text files stored in a user’s browser. Websites place cookies on visitors' browsers to retain login credentials, identify customers, and provide a personalized shopping experience.

  • This is also a targeting rule criteria under "Tech Rules & Exit Prevention conditions" within a Site campaign. The criteria allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on the cookies available in the customer’s browser and matches them with the expected value configured in targeting.

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

  • Cost of goods sold is the direct cost of producing or manufacturing products sold by a retail business in a given time period.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

  • The cost an advertiser pays to a publisher for every click on an ad.

  • Also known as Price Per Click (PPC).

Country 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Geolocation conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on their country.

  • This data point comes from their IP address.

Current URL 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "URL Based conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign if they're presently on a certain URL.


  • Anyone who has ever made a purchase from a brand. A customer can be defined as Active or Inactive depending on when their most recent purchase was.

Customer - Customer Movement data 💙

  • Within Customer Analytics, Customer refers to the result of last year's efforts and the total number of customers that you begin the year with. Buyers retained from the Active segment and Buyers reactivated from the Inactive segment become next year's Customers.

Customer File 💙

  • Your entire customer base is made up of all Active Customers both ‘Prior Year Existing’ and ‘Prior Year New’ and ‘NTF’, it will consist of all customers who made a purchase in the last 12 months, in addition to all Prospects who have been identified (ie. they have given you some personally identifiable information)

Customer Movement Philosophy 💙

  • Customers are moving toward retention or churn every year. How consumers move from unknown shoppers, to known customers, to repeat loyalists is unique for every individual.

Customer Movement Strategy 💙

  • Customer Movement Strategy is a plan for the desired customer movement a retailer requires to archive quarterly revenue, annual growth, and profitability.

Customer Movement Solution 💙

  • Helps retailers understand and prioritize customer movement, build relevant movement strategies and experiment quickly with tactics to drive incremental revenue.


Data Import

  • The act of bringing or uploading customer or product data into the Bluecore platform.

  • Examples include importing in previous purchaser files, etc. to help populate your starting audience / lists.

Data Export

  • The act of downloading customer data out from the platform to be used in another application.

  • Examples include downloading generated reports or exporting audiences.

Deep Linking

  • Deep linking is a tactic to send mobile users directly to a specific page, such as a promotion or product page within a native mobile application.


  • A deferred event, or deferral, is when the receiving server has temporarily limited access to their system. Most common reasons for deferrals are a poor reputation, a volume-spike, or a capacity issue for the receiving server.


  • Email Deliverability is the ability to deliver emails to the inbox, or rather the Inbox Placement rate of your email campaigns. Emails can land into any tab – Primary, Promotion, or Update based on the type of message. Some marketers confuse the term “delivered rate” with deliverability, which leads them to have a false perception of their deliverability. The delivered rate gauges the number of emails that weren’t bounced. It doesn’t give you any insights on which folder your emails were delivered to —inbox or spam folder.


  • When a message registers as delivered, that simply means the receiving server has accepted the message into their network.

Direct to Consumer (DTC)

  • When a company sells their goods directly to the customer that will use them, without the assistance of resellers.


  • A regular domain is a standard URL.

    • Example:

Double Opt-In

  • A privacy and consent mechanism that requires shoppers that have subscribed to marketing communications to confirm their opt-in by clicking a confirmation link or texting a confirmation.

  • Double Opt-In practices ensure that subscribers to your opted-in list are legitimate subscriptions. Bluecore strongly recommends this double opt-in workflow as an industry best practice, though we can also enable a single opt-in workflow.


  • When sending an email, if Bluecore identifies any subscribers that don't have a valid email address or have classified the sender’s campaigns as spam, that subscriber is considered unmailable and our system records this as a “drop” event. No actual attempt was made to deploy the message, therefore there is no deliverability effect on the email program because mailbox providers never saw it.


Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA)

  • EBITDA is one way to measure profit, as opposed to net income and gross income. EBITDA is calculated by taking the difference between the amount of revenue generated and the Cost of goods sold and deducting the specific costs associated with:

    • interest payments on the company’s financing,

    • taxes from pertinent jurisdictions,

    • depreciation of tangible assets, like equipment used to sell the goods, and

    • Amortization of intangible assets, like customer brand value perception.


Engaged (Site) 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "User Engagement conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign if they’ve engaged with the related campaign.

  • Engagement refers to the Site campaign reaching its main goal. For example, a Lead Capture campaign's goal is to gather email address or mobile numbers. Engagement is then the submission of a shopper's email or phone number.

Email Engagement 💙

  • An Identification Signal on the Bluecore Globe identifying a customer engaged with an email. This can come from then engaging with an email send directly via Bluecore (whether a triggered or batch campaign) or from email appends involve adding a shopper identifier to other ESPs' URLs, enabling Bluecore to link a shopper's onsite behavior to an email address, facilitating highly personalized emails.

Email Headers

  • A code snippet that consists of essential details to authenticate an email message. It precedes the email body and also contains information about the sender and recipient.

  • Email headers usually contain design elements such as a brand’s logo, contact buttons, and website navigation links.

Entry Capture 💙

  • An Identification Signal on the Bluecore Globe that sits in the Acquisition quadrant and would encompass any site capture campaign tactics such as Lead Capture, Email Capture, and SMS Capture.

Evaluated JavaScript 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Tech Rules & Exit Prevention conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on the existence of custom JavaScript executed on the website, and if the result matches the value eligible in the targeting rule.

Exit Intent 💙

  • A type of Bluecore Site™ campaign, often a pop-up, that is displayed when a shopper’s behavior indicates they are trying to or will soon leave a page or the website.

  • This type of campaign is designed to convert shoppers in-session, either by providing an email address for identification purposes, or completing a purchase.

Experience Designer (XD) 💙

  • Bluecore's cross-channel automated workflow or customer journey tool.

  • It is used to build personalized multi-touch experiences across email, display, social, and search.

  • See Touch.


Fallback 💙

  • Fallbacks are a set of products defined by the user which will show to shoppers if they do not meet the criteria set in the campaign product blocks.

  • For example, the product block logic may be defined to show products recently added to cart. A shopper who has never added an item to their cart will see the fallback.

First 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "URL Based conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign if this is the first URL they land on.

Frequency Capping

  • A frequency cap restricts the number of times a customer is sent an email or text message within a given timeframe. Frequency caps may limit the addressable audience attached to a campaign.

  • Read more about frequency capping.

Fullscreen Layout Type 💙

  • A type of Bluecore Site™ campaign layout that covers the entire browser window to show a message or promotion. Other layout examples include Popup, Banner, and Inline.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • The legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection, processing, and protection of personal information from individuals who live in the European Union (EU) and United Kingdom (UK). Learn more about GDPR here.

Gross Profit

  • Gross profit is one way to measure profit, as opposed to Net profit and EBITDA. Gross profit is calculated by taking the difference between the amount of revenue generated and the Cost of goods sold. Gross profit does not deduct other expenses such as overhead, payroll, taxes, and interest.


Halt 💙

  • Halts refer to when an email or SMS campaign doesn’t send.

  • Halts are frequently the result of a campaign or channel configuration issue.

  • A common example is when a product recommendation block does not have enough products to recommend based on the user defined rules, so the whole email halts.

Hard Bounce

  • These occur when the receiving server returns an error code that indicates that the reason for the refusal is a permanent issue with that server or recipient address. The most common reason is that the address in question is not valid. That means that the email address doesn’t exist or that the domain doesn’t exist. A single hard bounce for an email address will lead to a permanent suppression from receiving future campaigns.

Has Intent to Leave 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Tech Rules & Exit Prevention conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on if their cursor breaks the window pane of the website and goes to the URL bar (desktop), or if they click the back button, leading to an exit from the domain (mobile)

Hero Image

  • Hero image in emails is the first visual that subscribers come across and gives them a preview of what the email is about. It helps to grab their attention and direct them towards a desired call-to-action.

  • Common hero images typically include content, lifestyle imagery, promotional messaging, etc.

High-Value Customers 💙

  • High PCLV (predicted customer lifetime value) customers would sit between the 7th and 10th decile.

Holdout Group

  • A specific portion of an audience that is held out or set aside to test the incrementality of a campaign, journey, or channel.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

  • A standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on webpages.


Inline Layout Type 💙

  • A type of Bluecore Site™ campaign layout that is embedded into the content of a web page, like a product detail page. It requires a <div> placement and then can be populated with things like newsletter sign up, product recs, messaging, etc.

Inactive Customer 💙

  • Shoppers that did not buy last year but did buy in a previous year.

  • Within Customer Analytics, this segment is subdivided into three categories; Inactive 13-24, Inactive 25-36, Inactive 37+.

Inactive Customer (13-24 months) 💙

  • Shopper who did not buy in the last 13-24 months but had made a purchase prior to that time period.

Inactive Customer (25-36 months) 💙

  • Shopper did not buy in the last 25-36 months but had made a purchase prior to that time period.

Inactive Customer (37+ months) 💙

  • Shopper did not buy in the last 37+ months but had made a purchase prior to that time period.


  • Growth that can be directly attributed to specific marketing efforts above and beyond the existing brand equity. For example, how much a certain channel, tactic, or overall campaign helped influence an increase in sales, newsletter sign-ups, etc.

Inventory Turnover

  • The practice of buying bulk inventory up front and working to sell it as quickly as possible.

IP Address

  • A unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network. IP stands for "Internet Protocol," which is the set of rules governing the format of data sent via the internet or local network.

  • This is also a targeting rule criteria under "Device & Browser conditions" within a Site campaign. The criteria allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on their IP address, which is very helpful if you need to target yourself when testing a campaign.

ISP (Internet Service Provider)

  • Also known as Mailbox Providers.

    • For example: Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, Comcast, etc.


JavaScript Snippet (JS) 💙

  • JavaScript is a client-side scripting language used to develop interactive web applications. It is used to dynamically update content on a webpage, animate elements, control media, and manipulate behavior of a website. Snippets are reusable scripts that allow websites to run similar functions across multiple or sometimes all pages.

  • The Bluecore JS snippet is installed on a brand’s website to allow tracking of a shopper’s behavior on the website and observing interactions between shoppers and products.

  • This JS snippet is added during the integration and onboarding process. Learn more about Bluecore’s JavaScript here.


  • A templating language used to add personalization of customer or product attributes to campaigns.


Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

  • A type of performance measurement that evaluates the success of a campaign within a particular activity.

  • Examples include level of engagement, total number of clicks, conversion rate related to recent purchases, etc.

Knowledge Base (KB) 💙

  • Bluecore’s help system for educational documentation to help users build campaigns, launch, and more.

Known Eligibility Status

  • Describes a customer that has been identified, but has neither opted-in nor unsubscribed to direct communications. They can be targeted via Advertise or Site campaigns, but not via SMS or Email.

  • Some brands choose to include this group of customers in certain marketing messages (for example, triggered emails) while maintaining compliance with privacy laws.


Language 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Geolocation conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on their chosen language.


  • A timeframe that’s used to determine how long a customer has interacted with a brand.

Lifecycle Marketing 💙

Lifetime 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Visit Frequency conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on their aggregated statistics since they were first tracked on the website.

Lifetime Value 💙

Local Date 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Date/Time conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on the day of the week on the device being used to access the website.

Local Day 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Date/Time conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on the numerical date on the device being used to access the website.

Local Time 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Date/Time conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on the time on the device being used to access the website.

Lookalike Audience

  • A way to reach new shoppers who are likely to be interested in your brand or products because they share similar characteristics to existing shoppers.

  • Lookalikes are used to power audiences in advertising campaigns and to increase reach by using a seed list to find additional audience members who may respond in a similar way to your seed list.

Lost Buyers Lifecycle Stage 💙

  • In the Bluecore model, Lost Buyers are defined as shoppers who have a high probability of not purchasing again after a time period defined by their unique purchase history pattern.

Low-Value Customers 💙

  • Low PCLV (predicted customer lifetime value) customers would sit between the 1st and 4th decile.


Machine Learning

  • The use and development of computer systems that are able to learn and adapt without following explicit instructions by using algorithms and statistical models to analyze and draw inferences from patterns in data.


  • Marketing is the act of figuring out who a given company’s prospective customers are, informing those prospective customers of the goods and services available, and then convincing them to purchase. One component of maintaining a profit is convincing customers to purchase goods at a cost less than the revenue brought in from those customers. Another component of maintaining a profit is COGS.

Marketing Campaigns

  • Outreach to get a shopper to engage, interact, or purchase on a website.

Matching Element 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Tech Rules & Exit Prevention conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on the existence of any class or div ID mentioned in the targeting rule.

Mid-Value Customers 💙

  • Mid PCLV (predicted customer lifetime value) customers would sit between the 4th and 7th decile. This is the biggest area of opportunity for a retailer, also known as the movable middle.

Modal Layout Type 💙

  • Also known as a pop-up, a modal is a type of Bluecore Site™ campaign layout that appears on a page or covers the page completely.

  • See Pop-up.

Movable Middle 💙

  • A term used to describe Mid-Value Customers or customers who are typically most responsive to Customer Movement strategies, hence why we refer to them as ‘movable’.

Multichannel Marketing

  • Multichannel marketing is the practice of interacting with customers using a combination of indirect and direct communication channels including digital, print, experiential, and retail.

Multichannel Personalization Platform 💙

  • Bluecore’s platform allows brands to leverage multiple channels to interact with their customers for a personalized and comprehensive shopping experience.

Multimedia Message Service (MMS)

  • A mobile message that allows multimedia content such as images or videos.

  • See SMS.


Near Real-Time (NRT)

  • Relates to the speed of data transfer, slower than real-time, but with few delays.

Net Profit

  • Net profit is one way to measure profit, as opposed to Gross income and EBITDA. Net profit is calculated by taking the difference between the amount of revenue generated and the Cost of goods sold and then deducting ALL other expenses such as overhead, payroll, taxes, and interest.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

  • A customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement that is taken from asking customers how likely they are to recommend your products and services to others based on a scale of 0-10.

Network Match 💙

  • An Identification signal on the Bluecore Globe that helps retailers to elevate their identification rates with Bluecore’s Transparent Identification Network - the largest, most secure, and compliant 1st party ID network consisting of over 900M email addresses captured deterministically from 5,000+ brands & publishers, and processing 10B events daily.

New Buyer

  • This is a new buyer to a brand or first time buyer and will show up in the year that they made their first purchase.

Next Best Purchase 💙

  • The Next Best Purchase model populates a customer’s predicted next purchase in a campaign. The predictive models leverage Bluecore’s full historical and real-time understanding of how customers interact with the brand’s website, as well as how they’ve engaged with product recommendations in past campaigns. This unique feedback loop is combined with Bluecore’s understanding of the retail catalog to continuously optimize the next best product and category that should be recommended to each shopper.

Non-buyers Lifecycle Stage 💙

  • Shoppers who have not made a purchase but have given you some form of personally identifiable information (PII).

Notification Queue Entry (NQE) 💙

  • A unique ID given to every email sent by Bluecore, which is used to document the time sent, image, and customers received.

Notify Me 💙

  • A type of campaign that allows a shopper to subscribe for notifications of a future event.

  • A Bluecore Site™ and Communicate™ campaign that allows a shopper to sign up to receive notifications when a product they’re interested in is back in stock (when an item that was previously unavailable is now available for purchase) or coming soon (when a new product is launching and is available for purchase).



  • A seamless and effortless retail experience across multiple integrated channels.

Opted-In Eligibility Status

  • A shopper has given explicit consent, likely by entering an email address or phone number on a subscription form or preference center, to receive push communications from a brand.

  • The shopper or customer is now opted-in and not unsubscribed.

Opted-Out (Unsubscribed)

  • A shopper has withdrawn explicit consent and should no longer receive push communications from a brand.

One-time Campaigns 💙

  • These are campaigns that will be sent once.

Orders per Buyer

  • Total orders divided by total buyers for a specific segment.


Pacing 💙

  • In the context of unified pricing, pacing refers to the pace or cadence at which a customer is consuming their clicks and sends, relative to their contract length.

Page Scrolled 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Tech Rules & Exit Prevention conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on if they've scrolled a certain percentage/pixels of the website’s page.

Page Views 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Visit Frequency conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on how many pages they’ve viewed on the website.

Pay-per-Click (PPC)

  • The metric that is used when an advertiser pays a publisher when an ad is clicked.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

  • Any representation of information that permits the identity of an individual to whom the information applies to be reasonably inferred by either direct or indirect means.

  • Examples include: Name, Birthday, Address/Location, Phone Number, Email Address, etc.

Pop-up Layout Type 💙

  • A type of Bluecore Site™campaign layout that partially covers page content. Style and layout can be configured in the VTE.

  • See Modal.

Post Purchase Campaigns 💙

  • A campaign type that thanks customers for their purchase and may ask them to provide a review for the items, or attempt to cross sell another category from within the catalog.

  • Read more about Post Purchase campaigns.

Predictive Analytics

  • The use of statistical and modeling techniques to determine future behavior based on historical data.

Predictive Audiences 💙

  • Predictive Audiences provide marketers with highly valuable audience groups based on consumers’ predicted actions, preferences, and lifetime value. These audiences allow targeted sends to distinct groups of shoppers, maximizing engagement and conversion rates while optimizing the amount of communication per shopper.

Predicted Customer Lifetime Value (PCLV) 💙

  • PCLV predicts the amount a customer will spend over the next 2 years with your brand. Customers are filtered into percentiles according to their predicted spend, which can then be used when building and segmenting a campaign audience.

    • For example, brands can segment their customers into percentiles to target the top 20% spending customers, bottom 25%, etc.

  • Bluecore’s calculations can identify potentially high value non-buyers who resemble highest spending customers based on additional signals, such as frequency of visits, time from sign up, and products browsed.

  • Read more about Predictive Audiences.


  • An Email preheader is the summary text that follows a subject line in an inbox. Typically it provides a short summary of the email.

Previous Domain Referring 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "URL Based conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign if they're redirected to a certain URL from an external site.

Price Decrease Campaign 💙

  • A type of campaign that is sent to customers when a product they’ve browsed drops in price or is on sale.

  • Read more about Price Decrease campaigns.

Product Badge Campaign 💙

  • A type of Bluecore Site™ campaign that places a badge or callout on a product detail page when the product meets specific criteria. These can include New Arrival, Best Seller, Back in Stock, Low Stock, Stock Out, On Sale / Percentage on Sale, etc.

Product Details Page (PDP) 💙

  • A webpage that shows details about a product, such as sizing and color, and includes a CTA guiding a shopper towards purchase.

Product Rules 💙

  • In the Bluecore platform, Product Rules utilize machine learning models to determine which products will dynamically be recommended and populate within campaigns, based on user defined criteria. Examples include Next Best Purchase, Best Sellers, New Arrivals, etc. Learn more about product recommendations here.

Profit & Loss (P&L)

  • Profit and loss is a report retailers use to track the amount of money brought into the company minus the associated business costs in a given period of time.

Purchase Frequency

  • The number of times per year a customer is making a purchase.

Purchase Pixel 💙

  • A part of the Bluecore JavaScript integration that is placed on the purchase confirmation page to track accuracy and customer information.


Quality Assurance (QA)

  • The systematic efforts and requirements that take place to insure a product meets the previously agreed upon performance, design, reliability, and expectations of the product and customer.



  • A customer where there was a period of inactivity ie. no purchases were made and you have reactivated or are trying to reactivate them to make a purchase.

Recipe Rules 💙

  • Another term for product rules, recipe rules are the user driven settings that define which products will populate in a dynamic product block within campaigns. Rules can define specific products, use the Bluecore personalization models, or custom logic to populate product details.

  • Examples of recipe rules include Next Best Purchase, Best Sellers, Browsed Products, New Arrivals, etc.

Referring 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "URL Based conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign if they're internally redirected to a certain URL from within the website.

Repeat Buyer

  • A shopper who makes multiple purchases with a brand/retailer within the same year.


  • Prior year buyers who continue to purchase from a brand year over year, thus a retained customer will be in the ‘active’ bucket of the CMT.

Retention Rate %

  • Buyers that purchased in the segment during the year divided by the customers in the segment in which we started the year.


  • Retail is the sale of goods and services directly to end consumers for a profit. Retailers usually get their merchandise from manufacturers or wholesalers.

Retailer 💙

  • Bluecore’s customers, or the clients currently purchasing or using Bluecore’s platform and capabilities.

  • See Brand.

Retained Existing Customer 💙

  • Customer who are under the ‘Active’ segment who have been active within the prior year and year before that, will consist of reactivated lapsed customers and retained customers, thus they are considered ‘Retained Existing’ as compared to ‘Retained New’ (see definition below)

Retained New Customer 💙

  • All of the customers from the previous year who were New Buyers ie. made their first purchase the year prior, and are now showing up in the current year as ‘previous year new’ under your ‘Active’ Customers.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

  • The amount of revenue that is earned for every dollar spent on an advertising campaign.

  • ROAS is an advertising metric used to evaluate the amount of revenue generated from every dollar spent on advertising to different audiences. This metric can be measured down to the level of individual campaigns

Revenue Per Click (RPC)

  • Total revenue divided by total clicks per campaign.

  • The revenue each engagement drives in our platform and is used to determine the effectiveness of the content or recommendations in the campaign.

Revenue Per Email (RPE)

  • The average revenue generated from a delivered email.



  • The total amount of sales contributed by a specific segment of customers (Active, Inactive, New Buyers, etc).

Sales Per Buyer

  • Total Sales divided by Total Buyers.

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

  • A network protocol for accessing, transferring, and managing files on remote systems. This allows businesses to securely transfer billing data, funds, and data recovery files.

  • Bluecore uses SFTP to easily and securely import and export customer and product data.

Seed List

  • A list of email addresses which campaigns are sent to before sending them out to your subscribers.

Seen 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "User Engagement conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign if they’ve viewed the related campaign.


  • Audience segmentation is a marketing strategy based on identifying subgroups within the target audience in order to deliver more tailored messaging and build stronger connections.

Sender Reputation

  • A sender reputation is a score that an ISP assigns to an organization that sends email (it's a crucial component of your email deliverability).

Send Time Optimization (STO) 💙

  • A data science model that determines the ideal time to send an email to each customer for the highest likelihood of engagement.

Session 💙

  • Sessions (not to be confused with visitors) are periods of time when a shopper is on the website, and includes a group of their interactions and behaviors. If there is a period of inactivity by that user of 30 minutes or more, the next time they are on the website, regardless of the length of time that they are doing so, that counts as a new session.

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Visit Frequency conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on their session.

  • See Visit.

Shopper 💙

  • Someone who has yet to make a purchase with a brand.

Short Message Service (SMS)

  • A form of text message that's sent from one mobile device to another.

Single Opt-In

  • SMS Subscribers are automatically electing to receive text message communications from a brand but don’t need to confirm their action.

  • A privacy and consent mechanism that allows shoppers to subscribe to marketing communications by submitting their phone number without additional confirmation.

  • Bluecore strongly recommends the Double Opt-in workflow as an industry best practice.

Smart Campaign™ 💙

  • A recurring campaign that is sent using machine learning to automate the segmentation process and determine the best personalized email for every shopper.

Smart Content™ 💙

  • Dynamic content (such as customer or product data) that can be added to a campaign without additional segmentation. Smart content dynamically personalizes batch campaigns that would otherwise be static.

Soft Bounce

  • These occur when the receiving server returns a reason for refusal that indicates a non-permanent rejection for that address. Common reasons for soft bounces include if your sending IP or domain has been denied due to poor reputation, the email address has a full mailbox, or that the receiving server was unreachable. If an email address has totaled 10 campaigns with a soft bounce, then it will be permanently suppressed from receiving future campaigns.

Split Audience 💙

  • A feature in the Bluecore Experience Designer where an audience can be split into smaller sub-audiences and targeted with different campaigns. Audiences can be split by: PCLV, discount preference, lifecycle stage, or purchase count.

State 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Geolocation conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on their state.

  • This data point comes from their IP address.


  • Subdomains are the part before the first dot in the URL structure at the beginning of an email domain name. This is required within Bluecore to white-label emails and send on behalf of the brand.

  • Example:

Subscribed Buyer 💙

  • A customer who is explicitly subscribed to the retailer's email or SMS channels and has made a purchase.

Subscribed Non-Buyer 💙

  • A customer who is explicitly subscribed to the retailer's email or SMS channels but has never made a purchase.


  • A list of recipients that campaigns will not be sent to.

Survivorship 💙

  • Similar to Buyer Penetration but we lay it out consecutively, starting the year with 100 buyers to see how many are retained by year 3.


Targeting Rule Criteria 💙

Templates 💙

  • Reusable campaign designs that are dynamic and can be adjusted to the target audience. Templates can be made in the Visual Template Editor (VTE) or HTML, or pre-built template options are available out of the box.

Time Spent 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria exists under both "Date/Time conditions" and "Tech Rules and Exit Prevention conditions," but they work slightly differently.

    • The criteria under "Date/Time conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based the minimum number of minutes they’ve been on the website since page load.

    • The criteria under "Tech Rules and Exit Prevention conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on the time the customer has spent on the current page.

Toll-free Code

  • A free phone number beginning with 800 to send and receive SMS text messages.

Touch 💙

  • Within the Bluecore Experience Designer tool, a touch is a campaign in the journey being built.

  • For example, when building a post-purchase journey, marketers can add a Post Purchase touch, to request a review or promote related products.

Transactional Campaigns 💙

  • An email that facilitates an already agreed-upon transaction or update about an ongoing transaction or relationship, such as product or services notifications.

  • Examples include order confirmation, password reset, shipping confirmation, back in stock, or coming soon.

Trigger 💙

  • Marketing messages that are sent after being prompted by an event or action occurring. Trigger Campaigns can get prompted by shopper behaviors, product updates, and seasonal events.

  • Examples include Abandoned Cart, Product, Search, Browse, Post Purchase, New Arrivals, and Price Decrease.


Unified Pricing 💙

  • Bluecore's Unified Pricing (also referred to as Annual Minimum Commit) allows customers to commit to an annual minimum dollar amount to spend with Bluecore that can freely be used between email and mobile to scale your best programs.

Unsubscribed Eligibility Status

  • A shopper has withdrawn explicit consent and should no longer receive push communications from a brand. This typically occurs when a customer performs an unsubscribe action via an unsubscribe link in an email or a preference center.

User 💙

  • A term to identify Bluecore’s customers who use the platform for their business.

User Idle Time 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Bluecore Audience conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on their inactivity, or if they've spent a certain amount of time without switching pages or scrolling.

  • In this definition, user refers to shopper.

User Interface (UI)

  • The way through which a user interacts with an application or a website.

User Experience (UX)

  • The overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use.

User Type 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Bluecore Audience conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign based on user type, such as if the shopper is new, returning, or known.

  • In this definition, user refers to shopper.


Visit 💙

  • This targeting rule criteria under "Visit Frequency conditions" allows you to target shoppers with a Site campaign if they’re interacting with the website across one or more active tabs.

Visited Website 💙

  • An Identification Signal on the Bluecore Globe. Every time a customer (known or unknown) visits a retailers website that site visit is tracked by Bluecore’s JavaScript snippet, it creates a Customer 360 profile for every visitor, tracking shopper behaviors using fault-tolerant first-party cookies and local storage sync.

Visual Template Editor (VTE) 💙

  • Bluecore’s code-free drag and drop editor that’s used for building campaign templates.


Widgets 💙

  • Widgets are blocks of content within the Bluecore campaign Visual Template Editor that can be dragged and dropped into a template. Examples include images, text, dividers, buttons, navigation, and more.


Working Capital

  • The capital available after assets and liabilities are taken into consideration. Assets can be cash on hand, customers’ yet unpaid bills, raw materials used to make finished goods and inventory of finished goods waiting to be sold.


1:1 Personalization

  • A type of marketing that involves delivering individualized and personalized messages and product offerings to current or prospective customers.

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