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Bluecore Site™ Targeting Rules
Bluecore Site™ Targeting Rules

Learn more about the available targeting conditions that can be used when building a campaign with Bluecore Site™.

Updated over a week ago

Create different targeting rules with each of the different sections of conditions by using the and/or operators. Within each of the conditions sections, there are operators. These operators are similar to the ones available in Bluecore’s Audience Builder. Learn more about the different operators available here.

This article outlines the following conditions available for Bluecore Site™:

Configure targeting rules by following the below steps.

1. Navigate to the flag icon on the left-hand navigation.
2. Go to Site.
3. Then Campaigns.
4. Navigate to the targeting tab of a campaign.
5. Click Create from Template or Create New Rule. Creating a targeting rule from a template allows you to select a previously configured targeting rule that has been saved or use a targeting rule from a previous campaign.


Target customers based on URL criteria.

  • Criteria: Current, Referring URL, Previous domain referring, First

    • Current URL: The URL that the customer is currently present on. For example,

    • Referring URL: Internal domain URL redirect within a website. For example, redirecting to

    • Previous domain referring URL: External domain redirect. For example, traffic coming from to

    • First URL: This is the URL that the customer first landed on.

      • NOTE: This is calculated across lifetime, session, and visit. If the customer first landed on the homepage and came back after three days and landed on the cart page, the first URL of the customer across the lifetime browsing is the home page, while the current session is the cart page.

  • Operators: is equal to, is not equal to, contains, does not contain.

  • Text box: Enter the targeted URL here. This does not need to include http/https.


Target customers based on their visit frequency on your website.

  • Criteria: visits, sessions, page views.

    • Sessions: The timeframe of 30 minutes from the time a visitor lands on a website. Beyond these 30 minutes is considered a new session.

    • Visits: A series of customer interactions within your website that takes place across one or more tabs, while one of these are still active. 

    • Page views: The amount of pages viewed on your website.

  • Operators: greater than, equal to, less than

  • Text box: Enter a number for the amount of times the customer has completed the action.

  • Timeframe: in the last (x days), in their lifetime.

    • Lifetime refers to the aggregated customer statistics since they were tracked on your website for the first time by Bluecore Site™ JavaScript.


Target customers based on a country, state, or language. Geolocation is based on the customer's IP address.

  • Criteria: Country, State, Language. Be sure to select something for each of the criteria drop-downs.

  • Operator: is, is not.


Target customers based on their engagement with this or other on-site campaigns.

  • Criteria (first): seen, engaged, closed.

    • Campaign Seen: A customer has viewed the popup based on the previously configured display criteria.

    • Campaign Engaged: A customer has entered the required information into the popup. For email capture Site campaigns, the campaign is engaged with when an email address is entered. For all other Site campaigns, the campaign is engaged with when it’s clicked.

    • Campaign Closed: A customer has clicked out of or used the close button to dismiss the popup on-site.

  • Criteria (second): this campaign, any campaigns, specific campaign (select from all current available campaigns).

  • Operators: less than, greater than, exactly.

  • Timeframe: in their lifetime, in this visit, in this session, in last (days, sessions).


Target customers based on their session-based timing and criteria around local date and time.

  • Criteria: Time spent, local day, local date, local time.

    • Time spent: The minimum number of minutes the customer has spent on the website. This is calculated with every page load. Time spent can be further filtered by lifetime, session, or visit as explained in the visit frequency conditions.

    • Local day: The day on the device that is used to access the website.

    • Local date: The date on the device that is used to access the website. Only the numerical date DD (DD-MM-YYYY) is considered.

    • Local time: The local time on the device that is used to access the website.

  • Operators: greater than, less than, equal to.

  • Timeframe: in their lifetime, in current session, in current visit. 


Target customers based on technical parameters and interactions with the on-site campaign.

  • Criteria: Cookie, page scrolled, time spent, user idle time, has intent to leave, matching element, evaluate JS. These are further explained below.

    • Cookie: Checks for the cookies available in the customer’s browser and matches them with the expected value configured in targeting. Only first-party cookies can be targeted here.

    • Page scrolled: Configure page scroll by percentage or pixels. Track customers who have scrolled a certain percentage/pixels of the website’s page.

    • Time spent: Tracks the time the customer has spent on the current page. Curate a better user experience where an offer is not immediately triggered upon the customer’s arrival to the site.

    • User idle time: Tracks the inactivity of the customer on the page. Display a promotion with this rule if a customer has spent X number of seconds without switching pages or scrolling.

    • Has intent to leave: Captures the exit intent of the customer to trigger a specific overlay to reduce page abandonment.

      • Desktop: Cursor breaks the window pane of the website and goes to the URL bar.

      • Mobile: Customer clicks the back button, leading to an exit from the domain (for example, if a customer goes back to a page still on the website, an exit intent won't trigger. The back button will only trigger an exit intent if the customer has navigated to a page outside of the website, preventing the exit from happening. If a customer wants to exit, they will need to click the back button again.) Fast scroll to the top of the page is considered an exit intent from the shopper.

    • Matching element: This refers to the HTML elements on the website and checks the existence of the mentioned element in the targeting rule. Enter any class or div ID.

    • Evaluated JavaScript: This refers to the outcome of a custom JS on your website. The custom JavaScript is executed on the website and the result matches the value eligible in the targeting. For example: triggermail.lytics.get_property('email') should be entered in the first text box and an expected result in the second text box.

  • Operator: equals to, not equals to, contains, does not contain, exists, does not exist, less than, greater than, boolean true, boolean false.


Target customers based on Bluecore audiences that you’ve previously set up within Bluecore. Audiences for site campaigns are updated daily.

NOTE: Please contact your Customer Success Manager and Forward Deployed Engineer to enable this feature.

  • Criteria: User type, Bluecore audience.

    • Additional criteria if user type is selected: new, returning, known.

      • New user: A customer that is identified for the first time by the Bluecore Site™ JavaScript. Customers will remain in this state only when it’s their first ever visit to a website.

      • Returning user: A customer who has been identified as a cookie, but Bluecore has not identified an email address to send marketing communications.

      • Known user: A customer who Bluecore has identified and the Bluecore Site™ JavaScript has captured an email address.

    • Bluecore audience: Target any Bluecore audience group within your account. 

      • NOTE: Please contact your Customer Success Manager and Forward Deployed Engineer to enable this feature.

  • Operator: is, is not.


Target customers based on a device, IP address, or operating system.

  • Criteria: IP address, browser, device, OS (Operating System).

    • Additional criteria if IP address is selected: Enter the IP address in the text box. 

      • TIP: You can use targeting by an IP address to test a popup. Click here to learn more!

    • Additional criteria if Browser is selected: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, IE (Internet Explorer), Safari

    • Additional criteria if Device is selected: desktop, mobile, tabletAdditional criteria if OS is selected: Windows, Linux, Mac

  • Operator: is, is not.


Target customers based on specific product criteria such as products that were viewed, the price products, out of stock, or coming soon.

NOTE: Please contact your Customer Success Manager and Forward Deployed Engineer to enable this feature.

  • Criteria: Viewed, product price, out of stock, coming soon

    • Viewed

      • Additional criteria: Any product, specific product, category, brand

    • Product Price

  • Text box: Enter the number of times, the product price

  • Operator: equal to, greater than, less than


  • Criteria: Cart value, discount, product count

    • Cart value: Enter a value into the text box with one of the below operators.

    • Discount: Select if the discount is applied on all, any, or just items in the cart.

      • All: Refers to all the products in cart having discounted prices.

      • Any: Refers to any product in the cart having a discounted price.

      • Items in cart: Refers to a discount coupon being applied on items in the cart.

    • Product Count: Enter a number of items in the cart with one of the below operators.

  • Operator: equal to, greater than, less than


Using an and operator to combine multiple different conditions when creating rules. Adding multiple rules here means that customers could fall into multiple of the specified conditions.

Using an or operator when creating rules means that customers may only fall into a single rule to meet the specified criteria. This operator may be useful to limit the throughput of the campaign for a more targeted and direct approach.

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