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Near Real-Time Data Capture

Learn about the three near real-time data capture integrations: Bluecore Website Integraiton, Purchase Pixel, and Unsubscribe Pixel.

Updated over a week ago

Near real-time data capture overview

You can use your data in near real-time (NRT) by using the Bluecore Website Integration and the Bluecore Pixels. These ingestion methods allow you to capture customer data, purchase information, and unsubscribes.

Bluecore Website Integration

The Bluecore Website Integration, also referred to as the Javascript integration or Bluecore integration, is a JavaScript snippet that must be embedded in your website headers.

Note: You must add the Bluecore Website Integration to each website page header from which you want to capture data.

Bluecore Website Integration setup

The Bluecore Website Integration must be added to each web page by your technical team, including the unauthenticated/guest checkout page, the authenticated checkout page, and the account creation pages.

Once the integration has been added, Bluecore's Forward Deployed Engineer (FDE) team will configure events for the applicable Namespace.

Alert: Once the integration is complete, you and your web team should let your Customer Success Manager know of any website changes that were made as soon as possible, such as updating CSS elements, as this may require Bluecore's FDE team to make updates to your Bluecore Website Integration.

Bluecore Website Integration Cookie

Because the Bluecore Website Integration is considered a functional cookie, it is up to you to decide how to categorize it.

Note: Bluecore does not manage cookie consent. To meet compliance requirements for cookie consent, the JavaScript snippet that powers the Bluecore Website Integration should not load for customers who opt-out of relevant cookies.

Bluecore Website Integration Performance

Using the Bluecore Website Integration does not contribute to any meaningful page performance degradation.

The JavaScript snippet that powers the Bluecore Website Integration loads asynchronously and is served from a global content delivery network (CDN).

Bluecore Pixels

The Bluecore Pixels collect customers' behaviors and interactions for both the purchase and unsubscribe events.

Since the Bluecore Pixels are under your control and embedded within the webpage, they will still capture purchase data if a customer does a quick exit after purchasing and don’t require updates after a website change.

There are two types of pixels: the Bluecore Purchase Pixel and the Bluecore Unsubscribe Pixel.

Bluecore Purchase Pixel

When added to your website's order confirmation page, the Bluecore Purchase Pixel captures purchase data for NRT data ingestion.

The following is an example of the Bluecore Purchase Pixel:

<img id="bluecore_purchase_pixel" src="{{NAMESPACE}}&email={{EMAIL ADDRESS}}&phone_number={{PHONENUMBER}}&total={{TOTAL}}&order_id={{ORDER ID}}&product_ids={{comma separated list of PRODUCT_IDs}}" />





The customer's email address


The customer's phone number

While this field is optional, always include the phone number if you have it.

Must be in E.164 format, which includes a country code.

Example: +1 999-555-6309 would be sent as



The order purchase total, including shipping, discounts, and other adjustments.

Total is stored as a float, so if decimals are not provided, Bluecore will add them automatically.

Unless discussed, submit in USD.


The unique id for the order. Order ID can be the order confirmation number, purchase confirmation code, or the equivalent


The unique id(s) of the product(s) the customer purchased.

Comma separated list.

Only send unique ids.

Id must match the Bluecore product id.

Up to 30 product ids are allowed per purchase event.

Bluecore Unsubscribe Pixel

The Bluecore Unsubscribe Pixel must be added to your unsubscribe confirmation page and captures information on customers who unsubscribe.

The following is an example snippet of the Bluecore Unsubscribe Pixel:

<img src="{{partner_namespace}}&amp;email={{EMAIL_ADDRESS}}"/>

You only need to send the customer's email when using the Bluecore Unsubscribe Pixel.




The customer's email address

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