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Notify Me: Back in Stock and Coming Soon campaigns
Notify Me: Back in Stock and Coming Soon campaigns
Updated over 2 weeks ago

A Notify Me: Back in Stock or Notify Me: Coming Soon Site campaign automatically subscribes the customer to receive a transactional email when the product they have subscribed for is back in stock or now available.

Use a Notify Me: Back in Stock campaign to prompt your customers to sign up to be notified when a product they’re interested in is available in their selected attributes.

Notify Me: Coming Soon campaigns showcase a new product that will be added on your site, which encourages customers to sign up to be notified as soon as it is released.

It is also a way to increase your first-party data and capture a signal from your customers or prospects.


When configuring your notify me campaigns, there are two product interaction conditions that become available specific to these campaign types (Notify Me: Back in Stock and Notify Me: Coming Soon) to filter on. Those conditions must first be enabled before you can create a notify me campaign.

Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable this feature.

Creating a notify me campaign

Create a notify me campaign by following the below steps:

  1. Hover the flag icon, then under Site, click Campaigns. The Site campaigns page appears.

  2. Click New. Then, select Campaign.

  3. Choose the Notify Me: Back in Stock & Coming Soon campaign option.

  4. Click Next. The Campaign Type selection appears.

  5. Click either Notify Me: Back in Stock or Notify Me: Coming Soon.

  6. Click Create. The campaign’s Settings tab appears.

Settings tab

Once on the Settings tab, follow the steps below to choose when the campaign displays:

  1. Enter a Campaign Name.

  2. Determine when to start and end the campaign.

    1. Start Date/Time

      1. Start at Launch

        1. The campaign starts when you launch it.

      2. Set Start Date/Time

        1. Choose when the campaign starts.

    2. End Date/Time

      1. No End Date

        1. The campaign will run until you end it.

      2. Set End Date/Time

        1. Choose when the campaign ends.

  3. Select a Display Time.

    1. All Day

      1. The campaign will display continuously.

    2. Specific Times

      1. Determine a specific timeframe for the campaign to display.

  4. Configure your suppression rules. Suppression rules are the defined criteria that determine when the campaign will and will not be shown to a customer.

    1. Show the promotion until it has been displayed for

      1. Determine how many times the campaign appears until it is suppressed.

        1. You can choose from the following:

          1. Times per day

            1. Description

          2. Times per Session

            1. Description

          3. Repeat

            1. Description

    2. Show the promotion until

      1. This promotion has been closed in this session

        1. Display the campaign until it has been closed in one session.

      2. This promotion has been engaged with in this session

        1. Display the campaign until it has been engaged within one session.

    3. Always show (no suppression rules)

      1. Always display the campaign without any suppression rules.

  5. Click Save & Continue. The Targeting tab appears.

Targeting tab

Set your targeting rules that indicate where the campaign is shown on the site.

  1. Select if the campaign is going to be shown on a desktop or mobile device.

  2. Create the targeting criteria. Create a rule from a template that was previously created and saved, or create a new rule.

    1. The targeting criteria connected to the campaign option is required.

      1. If the campaign is Notify Me: Back in Stock, add targeting criteria: Product Interaction Conditions - Out of stock

      2. If the campaign is Notify Me: Coming Soon, add targeting criteria: Product Interaction Conditions - Coming soon

  3. Select if the campaign will trigger based on an action on the site

    1. Bluecore campaign

      1. This campaign is triggered from another campaign

        1. You can use other campaigns to trigger this Site campaign

    2. Action on Website

      1. This campaign is triggered by when the customer interacts with an element on your website. For Notify Me campaigns, Bluecore recommends only selecting the following:

        1. The element that triggers the campaign

        2. The action that triggers the campaign

          1. Click

            1. When the customer clicks on the defined element

  4. Click Save & Continue. The Message tab appears.

Message tab

Customize how your notify me campaign looks to customers.

  1. Select a Template Type.

    1. Fullscreen

      1. The campaign appears as an overlay, covering the customer’s screen

    2. Popup

      1. The Site Campaign appears as a partial screen overlay.

      2. You’ll be prompted to choose the position of the notification

        1. Defaults to Top Left

    3. Banner/Infobar

      1. The campaign appears as a bar at the top or bottom of the screen

      2. You’ll be prompted to choose the position of the campaign

        1. Defaults to Top

    4. Inline

      1. Embeds the Site campaign on the page as if text, based on a div ID. For more information on inline campaigns, see Creating an inline campaign.

      2. You’ll be prompted to enter the selector ID for the HTML element where the campaign will be embedded

  2. Choose the template you’ll use for the Notify Me campaign.

    1. Create in Visual Editor

    2. Create in Code Editor

    3. Create from Template

  3. Click Save & Continue. The Summary tab displays.

  4. Review all the chosen settings on the Summary tab. When you are ready to launch the campaign, click Launch Campaign.

Build the Notify Me Communicate campaign

After a customer signs up to be notified in the Site campaign, there needs to be a email campaign that sends them an email when that item is available.

You can have multiple notify me Communicate campaigns for each Site campaign, segmenting them based on product filters. For example, you could have one Communicate campaign for shoes and one Communicate campaign for everything that isn’t shoes.

  1. Navigate to the flag icon in the navigation. Under Communicate, select Automated Campaigns. The campaign list displays.

  2. Click New - Campaign.

  3. Select Email. Click Next.

  4. Select Transactional.

  5. Select Bluecore Audience. Click Next. !!!! Notify Me Communicate campaigns aren’t configurable via API!!!!

  6. Choose either Notify Me: Coming Soon or Notify Me: Back in Stock, depending on which campaign you’re building. Click Next.

  7. Enter a name for the campaign.

  8. Enter a time frame for customers who signed up to receive the email campaign.

    1. Defaults to 90 days

    2. For example, if this setting is set to 90 days, only customers who submitted to the Site campaign within the last 90 days would receive the email campaign

  9. Choose when the campaign should be sent. This campaign can be sent as soon as the new product is detected or after a specific amount of hours after the product is updated. The new product is based on your product catalog data.

  10. Optionally add a product filter

    1. You can filter by features in your product catalog, such as category

    2. This will limit who is able to receive the Communicate campaign - if somebody opts in to receive notifications when a pair of shoes are in stock, but the Communicate campaign is filtered to only send for pants, they will never receive the email notification

    3. You can have multiple notify me Communicate campaigns, segmenting them based on product filters.

  11. Choose frequency capping settings

    1. Use Auto-Prioritizer to optimize frequency capping for each customer

    2. Override Auto-Prioritizer with the always enforced frequency rules below

      1. In this setting, you can suppress customers who received emails from specific campaigns

    3. Override Auto-Prioritizer to send to your entire audience

  12. Add optional customer qualifiers

    1. Add customer attribute filters, such as customer location

    2. This will limit who is able to receive the Communicate campaign - if somebody submits to receive notifications in New York, but the Communicate campaign is filtered to only send for people in California, they will never receive the email notification.

  13. Choose your email provider

    1. Defaults to Bluecore

  14. Click Save & Continue to move to the Message step.

  15. On the Message step, choose regular campaign.

  16. From here, follow the instructions in How to use Campaign Builder, starting on step 14.

  17. At the end of the campaign build process (step 20 in the How to use Campaign Builder guide), you must select a Personalized Product Rule. For this campaign, choose Products Customer Viewed to ensure the correct product is sent to the customer.

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