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Influence customers with Social Proof campaigns
Influence customers with Social Proof campaigns
Updated over 2 months ago

Social Proof campaigns allow marketers to influence and target customers by showing them views on a product, other customers’ recent purchases, and low stock products in real-time. The fear-of-missing-out influence of Social Proof campaigns are designed to convince customers a product is a must-have.

Creating a Social Proof campaign

Create a Social Proof campaign by following the below steps:

  1. Hover the flag icon, then under Site, click Campaigns. The site campaigns page displays.

  2. Click New. Then, select Campaign.

  3. Choose the Social Proof campaign option.

  4. Click Create. The Social Proof Settings tab appears.

Social Proof Settings tab

Once on the Social Proof Settings tab, follow the steps below to choose when the campaign displays:

  1. Enter a Campaign Name.

  2. Determine when to start and end the campaign.

    1. Start Date/Time

      1. Start at Launch

        1. The campaign starts when you launch it.

      2. Set Start Date/Time

        1. Choose when the campaign starts.

    2. End Date/Time

      1. No End Date

        1. The campaign will run until you end it.

      2. Set End Date/Time

        1. Choose when the campaign ends.

  3. Select a Display Time.

    1. All Day

      1. The campaign will display continuously.

    2. Specific Times

      1. Determine a specific timeframe for the campaign to display.

  4. Configure your suppression rules. Suppression rules are the defined criteria that determine when the campaign will and will not be shown to a user.

    1. Show the promotion until it has been displayed for

      1. Determine how many times the campaign appears until it is suppressed.

    2. Show the promotion until

      1. Display the campaign until it has been closed in one session.

      2. Display the campaign until it has been engaged with in one session.

    3. Always show (no suppression rules)

      1. Always display the campaign without any suppression rules.

  5. Click Save & Continue. The Targeting tab appears.

Targeting tab

Set your targeting rules that indicate where the campaign is shown on the site.

  1. Select if the campaign is going to be shown on a desktop or mobile device.

  2. Create the targeting criteria. Create a rule from a template that was previously created and saved, or create a new rule.

  3. Select if the campaign will trigger based on an action on the site

    1. Bluecore campaign

      1. This campaign is triggered from another campaign

    2. Action on Website

      1. This campaign is triggered by when the customer interacts with an element on your website. You can define the following:

        1. The element that triggers the campaign

        2. The action that triggers the campaign

          1. Click

            1. When the user clicks on the defined element

          2. Hover

            1. When the user hovers over the defined element

          3. Focus

            1. When the user clicks on the element, but goes away when the user clicks somewhere else

  4. Click Save & Continue. The Message tab appears.

Message tab

Customize how your Social Proof campaign looks to customers.

  1. Select a Template Type.

    1. Inline

      1. Embeds the Site campaign on the page as if text, based on a div ID. For more information on inline campaigns, see Creating an inline campaign.

      2. You’ll be prompted to enter the selector ID for the HTML element where the campaign will be embedded

    2. Notification

      1. The Site Campaign appears as a pop-up window.

      2. You’ll be prompted to choose the position of the notification

        1. Defaults to Top Left

    3. Badge

      1. The Site Campaign is embedded on the page, covering some of the page elements, based on a div ID.

      2. You’ll be prompted to enter the selector ID for the HTML element where the campaign will be embedded

    4. Popup

      1. The Site Campaign appears as a partial screen overlay.

      2. You’ll be prompted to choose the position of the notification

        1. Defaults to Top Left

  2. Choose the template you’ll use for the Social Proof campaign

    1. Create in Visual Editor

    2. Create in Code Editor

    3. Create from Template

  3. Click Save & Continue. The Summary tab displays.

  4. Review all the chosen settings on the Summary tab. When ready to launch the campaign, click Launch Campaign.

After the template has been saved, the last step on the message screen is to configure a dynamic product block rule. This is the logic that recommends which products display in the Social Proof messages.

  1. Click the dynamic product rule.

  2. Select a personalized product rule from the criteria:

    1. Currently Viewing

      1. Products that are currently being browsed on-site.

    2. Recently Viewed

      1. Products that were recently browsed on-site.

    3. Added to Cart

      1. Products that are currently in the shopping cart.

    4. Smart Recommendations

      1. Bluecore continuously scores your entire product catalog to select the best product recs for every campaign, based on every individual's purchase, site, and email activity.

    5. Best Sellers

      1. Best selling products from your product catalog.

    6. New Arrivals

      1. New products from your product catalog.

  3. Configure a fallback rule, if applicable.

  4. Click Apply Rule.

  5. Click Save & Continue.

To view the analytics for your Social Proof campaigns, visit the Site Social Proof Analytics page.

Social Proof campaign in Visual Template Editor

Configure the template using the Visual Template Editor. You can use any of the Basic Components from a Site campaign in the Visual Template Editor, but the only dynamic products available is the Single Product With Social Proof widget.

  1. Once in VTE, click Add Layers + to add a layer to the canvas.

  2. Click Dynamic Products.

  3. Drag the Single Product With Social Proof widget onto the template canvas.

Once the Single Product With Social Proof widget is added to the canvas, there are four sections of configurations for this campaign:

    • Configure the size, color, and style of the Social Proof element.

    • Configure the settings for the product image used in the campaign.

    • Adjust the message and logic shown to customers when viewing the campaign.

    • Adjust the position of the element within the frame.


The design settings allow you to customize the look and colors of the element.

  • Custom CSS Class Name

    • Add a class name here to automatically add to the CSS layer.

  • Container Width

    • Adjust the width of the container of the image and text

  • Container Height

    • Adjust the height of the container of the image and text

  • Product Background Color

    • Adjust the color of the background of the container

  • Product Background Color Opacity

    • Adjust how visible the background color is

  • Border

    • Add a border around the image, or the image and attributes of the product

  • Border Style

    • Adjust the styling of the border, including the type of border, its color and thickness

  • Product Attributes Alignment

    • Select a left or right alignment for the product attributes (product name, number of purchases) with the product image.

  • Product URL Type

    • Choose a product attribute from your catalog to use as the product URL, or use a custom URL. If you use a product attribute, it should be something like “URL” in your product catalog.

Product Image

The product image is included by default on all Social Proof campaigns to show the product. Configure the settings for the product image.

  • Custom CSS Class Name

    • Add a class name here to automatically add to the CSS layer.

  • Wrap with link

    • This is checked by default, as all product attributes are wrapped with a link. If unchecked, clicking the text in the campaign will not direct customers to the product.

  • Image Source Type

    • Use the default image source or a custom source. The default image source is pulled directly from data that’s being passed to Bluecore, and the custom image source must be uploaded through the media library or entered with a URL. You can also add a secondary image when customers hover.

  • Image Size

    • Select to scale by image width (automatically adjusts the height of the image, enter a width) or constrain to set dimensions (set the exact dimensions).

  • Resize Image

    • Fill, contain, cover, scale down, or do nothing to the product image.

  • Padding

    • Adjust the padding to the top, bottom, left, and right of the image.

Social Proof options

When you create your template for the Social Proof campaign, there are four messages that can be displayed to customers:

  • Recent purchases

  • Recent views

  • Selling fast

  • Low stock

One of those options will be shown based on the product criteria. Bluecore checks each selected option in the order they are listed, displaying the first matching Social Proof message to the customer.

If a customer doesn’t meet any of the filtering criteria, they will not be shown a Social Proof campaign.

You can adjust the priority of the four messages that can be shown to customers, meaning the campaign could show a low stock message instead of a recent views message if it meets the low stock criteria.

⚠️ Don’t forget to set a fallback value for any additional attributes that are added. This ensures customers will always see a value if the one selected is unavailable.

Recent purchases and recent views

The recent purchases and recent views options influence customers by showing how many other customers have recently purchased or recently viewed that product, respectively.

  • Show the number of purchases or views

    • Select a time frame: 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.

  • Thresholds

    • Show this message if the product has been purchased or viewed more or less than a specific amount.

      For best results, refer to your website metrics and filter out the top 10-15% of products. This increases the effectiveness of the messaging. You can also reach out to your CSM for help with these thresholds.

  • Text Editor

    • A default message is automatically added to the text editor. Personalize the message with customer and product attributes. Additional Social Proof attributes (product purchase count, view count, and product inventory) can also be added to the message.

Selling fast and low stock

Let customers know that a specific product is close to selling out, or when a specific product is low in stock and might be unavailable soon.

  • Show when a product is expected to sell out

    • 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.

  • Use attribute for inventory

    • The attributes that are available here are pulled directly from data that’s being passed to Bluecore, directly from your product catalog. Select an attribute that indicates when an item is selling fast or low in stock (such as inventory).

  • Thresholds

    • Show this message if the product inventory is more or less than a specific number.

  • Text Editor: A default message is automatically added to the text editor. Personalize the message with customer and product attributes. Additional Social Proof attributes (product purchase count, view count, and product inventory) can also be added to the message.


Adjust the position of the element within the Social Proof campaign.

  • Left Position

    • Adjust where the element sits horizontally within the frame.

  • Top Position

    • Adjust where the element sits vertically within the frame.

  • Layer Alignment

    • Override the chosen percentages to align the element to the left, right, or center of the frame.

  • Stick to Side

    • Keeps the widget aligned to one side, either the top, left, bottom, or right of the frame.

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