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Bluecore Site™ Analytics

Learn more about Bluecore Site™ analytics that are available.

Updated over a week ago

The Bluecore Site™ analytics are a summary of overall on-site campaign performance. View conversions, emails captured, and trends among campaigns to optimize your on-site performance. Access your Bluecore Site™ Analytics by following the below steps.

  1. Navigate to the analytics icon on the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click Site Analytics.


Filters are available at the top of the report. They can be used to refine the available data within the Bluecore Site™ analytics. After applying a filter, be sure to click the run button at the top right-hand of the screen to apply the applicable filters.

  • Show Analytics From: The specified time frame to show analytics.

  • Campaign Name: The campaign names to review for comparison. Insert the name that you want to view analytics for. If left blank, you will see the cumulative analytics for all campaigns.

  • NOTE: Matches a user attribute is not supported at this time.


View a quick snapshot of how all campaigns are performing within the specified time frame. View all campaigns or specific campaigns by including filters.

  • Impressions: The total number of times the campaign is being viewed.

  • Onsite Clicks: The total number of clicks per campaign.

  • Click Through Rate (CTR): The total number of campaign clicks out of the total number of sends or impressions, expressed as a percentage.


View a quick snapshot of email capture performance within the specified time frame.

  • Emails Captured: The total number of email addresses acquired from the campaign. This includes all email addresses, including any duplicates.

  • Net New Emails Captured: The email addresses that are new to Bluecore that weren’t previously available.
    TIP: Bluecore Site™ doesn't suppress popups based on whether or not we have the email, but rather whether or not we recognize the cookie. For new customers, our pixel is still ramping up in identifying cookies. So visitors who may already be subscribed are still seeing the popup and potentially signing up again. However, this cookie is now linked to email address, therefore being identified and will not see the popup again. Additionally, after the email address is received in Bluecore and we identify that the email address was already historically received, the email address will not be considered as net new. For a short while, seeing a larger discrepancy between "emails captured" and "net new" is expected and normal for new customers.

  • Weekly Performance/Metrics: A comparison of the previous weeks statistics.


View a quick snapshot of how the campaign is performing with orders, revenue, and conversions within the specified time frame.

  • Orders: The orders analytics will be different depending on the campaign type. If no campaign filter is included and multiple types of campaigns are running, this calculation is the sum total of all orders from campaigns.

    • Email Capture Campaigns: The number of orders are calculated as any order placed by a net new email within 24 hours of signing up for emails.

    • Onsite Message Campaigns (non-email capture): The number of orders are calculated as any order placed within 24 hours of clicking on a campaign.

    • Revenue: The number of revenue is calculated as explained above for orders. However, the revenue that’s associated is being displayed in the dollar amount.

      • NOTE: If you're an international customer, the original currency is displayed. When viewing benchmark reporting, the currency is converted to USD in order to compare.

  • Email Capture Conversion: The email capture conversion rate is all net new emails captured, calculated as orders divided by new new emails x 100.

  • Onsite Message Conversion: The onsite message conversion rate is of all onsite messages (non-email capture campaigns), calculated as orders divided by clicks.


View a snapshot of trends among different campaigns running on your site, by day.


Below is a list of raw data that’s available for Bluecore Site™ campaigns, by granularity.

  • Campaign Name: The campaign names to review for comparison.

  • Week: The week of the campaign. Drill into any date by clicking on it to view further metrics.

  • Orders: The orders analytics will be different depending on the campaign type. If no campaign filter is included and multiple types of campaigns are running, this calculation is the sum total of all orders from campaigns.

  • Revenue: The number of revenue is calculated as explained above for orders. However, the revenue that’s associated is being displayed in the dollar amount.

    • NOTE: If you're an international customer, the original currency is displayed. When viewing benchmark reporting, the currency is converted to USD in order to compare.

  • Average Order Value (AOV): The calculated average order value for the specified time frame. This is calculated by total attributed revenue divided by total orders for the day.

  • Conversions: The total number of orders.

  • Impressions: The total number of times the campaign is being viewed.

  • Emails Captured: The total number of email addresses acquired from the campaign. This includes all email addresses, including any duplicates.

  • Engagement: The percentage of engagement a campaign has received, calculated as clicks divided by impressions.


View a quick snapshot of non-email capture campaigns. This is any pop-up or banner that doesn’t contain an email input form.

  • Campaign Name: The campaign names to review for comparison.

  • Week: The week of the campaign. Drill into any date by clicking on it to view further metrics.

  • Orders: The orders analytics will be different depending on the campaign type. If no campaign filter is included and multiple types of campaigns are running, this calculation is the sum total of all orders from campaigns.

  • Revenue: The number of revenue is calculated as explained above for orders. However, the revenue that’s associated is being displayed in the dollar amount.

    • NOTE: If you're an international customer, the original currency is displayed. When viewing benchmark reporting, the currency is converted to USD in order to compare.

  • Average Order Value (AOV): The calculated average order value for the specified time frame. This is calculated by total attributed revenue divided by total orders for the day.

  • Conversions: The number of orders divided by the number of net new emails captured.

  • Impressions: The total number of times the campaign is being viewed.

  • Engagement: The percentage of engagement a campaign has received, calculated as clicks divided by impressions.


View a quick snapshot of how the separate A/B tested campaigns are performing within the specified time frame.

  • Campaign Name: The campaign names to review for comparison.

    • TIP: Click on the three dots following an A/B tested campaign name to view a more detailed impression count. View the conversion as a calculation of unique impressions instead of click-based attribute. Use this metric to compare with a holdout group, where someone may or may not click, comparing the unique impression of a variant to a held out user.

  • Week: The week of the campaign. Drill into any date by clicking on it to view further metrics.

  • Orders: The orders analytics will be different depending on the campaign type. If no campaign filter is included and multiple types of campaigns are running, this calculation is the sum total of all orders from campaigns.

  • Revenue: The number of revenue is calculated as explained above for orders. However, the revenue that’s associated is being displayed in the dollar amount.

    • NOTE: If you're an international customer, the original currency is displayed. When viewing benchmark reporting, the currency is converted to USD in order to compare.

  • Average Order Value (AOV): The calculated average order value for the specified time frame. This is calculated by total attributed revenue divided by total orders for the day.

  • Conversions: The number of orders divided by the number of net new emails captured.

  • Impressions: The total number of times the campaign is being viewed.

  • Engagements: The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions.

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