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Deliverability Overview

Learn more about the deliverability analytics that are available within Bluecore’s enhanced analytics.

Updated over a week ago

The deliverability overview report is an overview of deliverability specific metrics for your email program. Leverage this report to monitor and maintain strong deliverability rates as granular as the individual campaigns and domain-level. Access the deliverability overview report by following the below steps.

  1. Navigate to the chart icon on the left-hand navigation.

  2. Go to Enhanced Analytics.

  3. Then Deliverability Overview.


Filters are available at the top of the report. They can be used to refine the available data within the deliverability report. After applying a filter, be sure to click the run button at the top right-hand of the screen to apply the applicable filters.

  • Start Date: The comparison period start date.

  • End Date: The comparison period end date.

  • Campaign Name: The campaign names to review for comparison.

  • Campaign Classification: The classification type of the email being sent. For example, triggered, promotional/batch, and transactional. If this value is not set, it will account for all values.

  • Operator: Or is the only operator supported. Matches a user attribute and matches (advanced) operators are currently not supported.


View a quick highlight of engagement and deliverability metrics against a comparison of best-in-class benchmarks.

  • Delivered: The total number of emails delivered to the ISPs. This is calculated by subtracting bounces from total sent.

  • Hard Bounces: The total number of emails that have been returned to the sender. These bounces consist of invalid email addresses attempted and are suppressed moving forward.

  • Soft Bounces: The total number of emails that have reached the email server but bounced back before delivery. A soft bounce may be because of: the mailbox is full, the server is down, or a poor sending reputation.

  • Spam Reports: The total number of unique spam reports. A spam report occurs when a subscriber has clicked spam on the sender’s content.

  • Unsubscribes: The total number of subscribers that have opted-out from the email program.

  • Total Opens: The total number of emails opened.

  • Unique Opens: The total number of emails that were uniquely opened (when a customer opens an email more than once, but is only counted once in the analytics).

  • Total Clicks: The total number of clicks from the email.

  • Unique Clicks: The total number of unique (for example, from a distinct email address) clicks.


Below are some industry benchmarks to surpass when striving for a successful program. These metrics will be shown in red within the initial tiles of the report if they are not met.

  • Delivered Rate: The total sent minus the total bounced divided by the total sent. The threshold is greater than 95%.

  • Hard Bounce Rate: The total hard bounces divided by the total sent. The threshold is less than 2%.

  • Soft Bounce Rate: The total soft bounces divided by the total sent. The threshold is less than 0.5%.

  • Spam Report Rate: The total spam reports divided by the total delivered. The threshold is less than 0.08%.

  • Unique Open Rate: The total unique recipient opens divided by the total delivered. The threshold is greater than 10%.

  • Unique Click Rate: The total unique recipient clicks divided by the total delivered. The threshold is greater than 4%.

  • Unsubscribe Rate: The total unsubscribes divided by the total delivered. The threshold is less than 0.3%.


View a quick overview of how delivers, unsubscribes, and bounces have trended over-time.


Review bounces over-time by type and domain. An increase in hard bounces can point to a list acquisition issue, while soft bounces might point to a poor reputation with ISPs. Bounces by domain will help zero in on which ISPs are contributing to bounces the most for better focus.


Review all deliverability stats by campaign during the specified time frame. Identifying problematic campaigns is a valuable step in troubleshooting deliverability issues. Some campaigns may be hurting the overall reputation of the program.


Review a breakdown of all delivered sends during the specified time frame. This helps establish the level of urgency when troubleshooting particular domains.


Review the top 10 campaigns by delivered and spam report rates, and the bottom 10 campaigns by delivered date.

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