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Monitoring Your Bluecore Campaigns

Learn more about what to keep an eye out on to monitor your email campaigns.

Updated over a week ago

There are many different moving parts to your email program. One-time and automated email campaigns, daily or weekly campaigns, and campaigns that are set up to run and optimize without needing constant guidance.

In this article, learn more about the different methods Bluecore has in place to help you keep an eye on your campaign performance.


Campaign notifications are a great way to get notified when your email campaigns have started or completed. Notifications are available for one-time, daily, weekly, or monthly email campaigns.

  • NOTE: Hourly campaigns or campaigns using send time optimization are not eligible for campaign notifications due to their send frequency.

There’s no limit on the amount of email addresses that can be configured for campaign notifications. Configure email addresses within the marketing settings.

The completed notifications provide an estimate for how many emails deployed as well as what percentage of the audience did not receive an email due to not meeting the appropriate qualifications at send time.


Getting ready to send a campaign and want to double check how many people will receive it? Use our estimated audience size to view an estimated number of customers included in the send.

While this number is meant to give you an estimate of how many customers will receive the email, the number may change based on the campaign send time, frequency capping, or subscription status at the time of send. For example, if this campaign is configured at 5 PM, the count size may be different the following day.


Even though some of your email programs may be set it and forget it, it’s a good idea to review your email programs weekly. Below are some methods that we recommend keeping up with your email program.


Email analytics are available for you to view how your email campaigns are performing. View aggregated analytics, send volume trends, active campaigns and triggers, and day-by-day analytics. But, did you know that you can save and schedule them to be delivered right to your inbox?

Read more in this article about how to schedule an email report within Bluecore’s campaign analytics.


When checking email campaign performance every week, it’s also important to monitor week-over-week volume of automated campaign volume. Even though these campaigns are automated and don’t require your full attention, keep an eye on them and consider the following questions:

  • Are there any week-over-week volume trends? Increases or decreases?

  • Have you enabled or disabled key email programs that could be impacting these numbers?

If anything isn’t looking the way that it should, we want to hear from you! Please contact for additional assistance.


Depending on the trends you may notice in your volume, you may also see trends in week-over-week revenue, reflecting the trends displayed in volume.

Be on the lookout for any increases in week-over-week revenue, and if something doesn’t look right, please reach out to us!


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