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Integrate with Shopify

Learn more about how to integrate Bluecore with Shopify.

Updated over a week ago

The Bluecore integration with Shopify enables customers to fully implement Bluecore technology on their storefront. The unlisted app automatically deploys Bluecore tracking across the website. This will collect vast amounts of customer behavioral and CRM data, in addition to capturing live data about the storefront’s product catalog, syncing this information back to Bluecore. The app enables customers to quickly collect the critical data necessary to personalize marketing campaigns across Bluecore’s full product suite in a few easy steps. In addition to capturing customer data, you can capture transactional events and trigger transactional emails with this integration.


  • If you’re onboarding to Bluecore, please reach out to your Project Manager (PM) to associate your Shopify store to Bluecore. Otherwise, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to complete this step. Bluecore will confirm when this is complete, allowing you to move to the next step.

  • Please provide Bluecore with your Shopify store name (for example: Click here for more information on where to find your Shopify store name.


1. Bluecore is a Shopify Plus Technology Partner and you must be a Shopify Plus customer to integrate Bluecore into your Shopify stack. Once your account is setup in Bluecore, use this Bluecore Shopify installation link or talk to your PM/CSM for assistance before you begin the installation process outlined in the following steps.

2. Click Add App at the top of the page.

3. Enter your Shopify store domain in the installation box.
4. Click Log in.
5. Then click Install app on the following page. This page is verifying that Bluecore will be able to view products and Shopify account data, and manage orders, customers, and your online store.

The Shopify app has been successfully installed! Please reach out to your PM if there are any problems completing this integration.


After the app has been successfully installed, the next step is to verify the integration. Bluecore will complete this step by double checking that the JavaScript is active on your website.


When using the Bluecore and Shopify integration, you can also trigger these three transactional emails from Shopify webhook events:

  1. an order is placed

  2. an order has shipped

  3. an order has been cancelled.


Before setting up the transactional section of the integration, please be sure to do the following:

  • Previously set up the Shopify integration following the above steps. The integration must be successful before setting up transactional emails.

  • Previously set up transactional email campaigns. These campaigns will be linked to events in this integration. All previously set up transactional campaigns will appear in the integration.

  • Disable notifications for any previously configured transactional Shopify events within Shopify. This ensures that customers won’t receive multiple emails and will only receive the transactional messages configured during this section of the integration.

After these three items are complete, begin setting up the transactional integration by following the below steps.

1. Navigate to the Shopify integration.

2. Click the Transactional tab at the top of the page.

3. Click the toggle of the event that you’d like to turn on.

4. Once the toggle has been clicked, a popup appears. Select a Bluecore campaign to send when the event fires. For example, if the order confirmation event fires, send an order confirmation email.

5. Then, select an event to trigger. This is an optional configuration where an event in Bluecore can be fired. Custom events in Bluecore can also be triggered once the Shopify event is received. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for help setting up custom events.

6. Next, enter email addresses and click Send Test to receive a test message of the campaign. This step is required, as it will send a preview of the campaign before the campaign goes live to your customers.

7. Click Save.

8. Then, toggle the event that was just configured on.

9. Repeat the above steps for the other transactional events you’d like to set up.


The Bluecore and Shopify integration can be uninstalled at any time. Uninstalling the app will remove Bluecore tracking from the website, preventing Bluecore from gathering any information.

  1. Navigate to the app dashboard.

  2. Delete the app from the app dashboard. This will automatically unregister the ScriptTag.

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