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Import Data

Learn more about how to import your data files into Bluecore.

Updated over a week ago

Use the Data > File Management tab to import data feeds. For more information about the File Management tab, see File Management Overview.

1. Navigate to the Data tab on the left-hand side of the screen.
2. Go to File Management.
3. Click Create New Import.

4. Select an Import Method.
5. Select a Data Type to import. You can upload customer data, product data, coupons, unsubscribe lists, and opt-in lists. For more information about data types, see Supported Data Types for Importing.
6. Click Continue.

Use browser imports when you want to do one-off uploads. For historical uploads, please use the SFTP.


1. Enter the following settings:

  • Import Name: Enter a name for the import file. This displays in the file management table.

  • Row Delimiter: Defaults to Line Feed.

  • Column Delimiter: Defaults to Comma (“,”).

  • Select File: Upload the import file. The file will be uploaded and validated. This may take a few minutes depending on the file size. For more information about file types, see Save a UTF-8 Compliant File.

File Size - Files exceeding 3.5 GB are not recommended for browser upload. Reduce file size by removing unnecessary columns (preferred method) or by reducing the number of rows in the file.

2. For coupon uploads, please configure these additional settings:

  • Add to New Bank or Existing Bank: Add your coupon list to a new bank or one already in use. If the bank is already used in campaigns, it is easier to upload more banks to an existing bank.

  • Coupon Type: Select the coupon type that most closely matches the offer. Options include: Free Shipping, % Off, $ Off, Buy One Get One, and Other.

  • Coupon Value: If $ Off or % Off are selected, enter the discount value here.

3. Click Save & Continue once the file is uploaded and validated. You will be able to review the file before it is imported. If there is an error, click Download validation errors in a CSV file to download the file and correct the issue(s). Once you have corrected the file, start the import process as you would with a new file (from step 1 of these steps).


1. Enter the following settings:

  • Import Name: Enter a name for the import file. This will display in the File Management table.

  • SFTP Directory: Enter the directory where the import file was dropped.

  • Filename Structure: The file to look for in the SFTP directory.

  • Row Delimiter: Defaults to Line Feed.

  • Column Delimiter: Defaults to Comma (“,”).

  • Test SFTP Connection and File Format: Tests the SFTP connection and validates if the file format is accurate. This may take a few minutes depending on the file size. For more information about file types, see Save a UTF-8 Compliant File.

2. For coupon uploads, you will see additional settings to configure:

  • Channel Type: Select to configure the coupons for Communicate or Site.

  • Add to New Bank or Existing Bank: Decide if you want to add your coupon list to a new bank or one already in use. If the bank is already used in campaigns, it is easier to upload more banks to an existing bank.

  • Coupon Type: Select the coupon type that most closely matches the offer. Options include: Free Shipping, % Off, $ Off, Buy One Get One, and Other.

  • Coupon Value: If $ Off or % Off are selected, enter the discount value here.

3. Click Save & Continue once the file is uploaded and validated. You will be able to review the file before it is imported. If there is an error, click Download validation errors in a CSV file to download the file and correct the issue(s). Once you have corrected the file, start the import process as you would with a new file (from step 1 of these steps).



1. Select the columns to Include by checking the boxes in the corresponding rows.
2. From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the value in Your Column.  

The following attributes are required for Customer Data imports:

3. Review the Data Type and Examples from Your File columns:

  • The Data Type column shows the data type of the attribute.

  • The Examples from your File column shows a sample of the attribute pulled from the file you are importing.

4. To add a value to every row in your file, click + Add Custom Column.

  • From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the Your Column value.

  • From the Data Type drop-down menu, select the data type of the value.

  • In the Value field, enter the attribute’s value that will be appended to each row.

TIP: If a new customer attribute is added, it can only be used a day later when building audiences.

5. Ensure all of the Required fields are included in the file. The fields will display in the Required Fields section on the right with a green check.
6. Click Save & Continue.


1. Select the columns to Include by checking the boxes in the corresponding rows.
2. From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the value in Your Column

  • NOTE: To request a custom product attribute, contact your CSM.

The following attributes are required for a Product Data import:

  • ID: The ID of the product. Example: 123456789

3. Review the Data Type and Examples from Your File columns:

  • The Data Type column shows the data type of the attribute.

  • The Examples from your File column shows a sample of the attribute pulled from the file you are importing.

4. Ensure all of the Required fields are included in the file. The fields will display in the Required Fields section on the right with a green check.
5. Click Save & Continue.


1. Select the columns to Include by checking the boxes in the corresponding rows.
2. From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the value in Your Column.

  • The following attributes are required for a Coupon import:code - The coupon code. Example: Promo123

3. Review the Data Type and Examples from Your File columns:

  • The Data Type column shows the data type of the attribute.

  • The Examples from your File column shows a sample of the attribute pulled from the file you are importing.

4. To add a value to every row in your file, click + Add Custom Column.

  • From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the Your Column value.

  • From the Data Type drop-down menu, select the data type of the value.

  • In the Value field, enter the attribute’s value that will be appended to each row.

5. Ensure all of the Required fields are included in the file. The fields will display in the Required Fields section on the right with a green check.
6. Click Save & Continue.


1. Select the columns to Include by checking the boxes in the corresponding rows.
2. From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the value in Your Column

The following attributes are required for an Unsubscribes import:

3. Review the Data Type and Examples from Your File columns:

  • The Data Type column shows the data type of the attribute.

  • The Examples from your File column shows a sample of the attribute pulled from the file you are importing.

4. To add a value to every row in your file, click + Add Custom Column.

  • From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the Your Column value.

  • From the Data Type drop-down menu, select the data type of the value.

  • In the Value field, enter the attribute’s value that will be appended to each row.

5. Ensure all of the Required fields are included in the file. The fields will display in the Required Fields section on the right with a green check.
6. Click Save & Continue.


1. Select the columns to Include by checking the boxes in the corresponding rows.
2. From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the value in Your Column

The following attributes are required for an Opt-Ins import:

3. Review the Data Type and Examples from Your File columns:

  • The Data Type column shows the data type of the attribute.

  • The Examples from your File column shows a sample of the attribute pulled from the file you are importing.

4. To add a value to every row in your file, click + Add Custom Column.

  • From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the Your Column value.

  • From the Data Type drop-down, select the data type of the value.

  • In the Value field, enter the attribute’s value that will be appended to each row.

5. Ensure all of the Required fields are included in the file. The fields will display in the Required Fields section on the right with a green check.
6. Click Save & Continue.


1. Select the columns to Include by checking the boxes in the corresponding rows.
2. From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the value in Your Column

The following attributes are required for an Opaque Identifiers import:

  • Email: The customer’s email address. Example:

  • customer_id: The ID of the customer. Example: 12345ab789

3. Review the Data Type and Examples from Your File columns:

  • The Data Type column shows the data type of the attribute.

  • The Examples from your File column shows a sample of the attribute pulled from the file you are importing.

4. To add a value to every row in your file, click + Add Custom Column.

  • From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the Your Column value.

  • From the Data Type drop-down menu, select the data type of the value.

  • In the Value field, enter the attribute’s value that will be appended to each row.

5. Ensure all of the Required fields are included in the file. The fields will display in the Required Fields section on the right with a green check.
6. Click Save & Continue.


  1. Enter an Import Name.

  2. Enter an Email List Name.

  3. Select a .csv file to upload.

  4. Select the column(s) to Include by checking the boxes in the corresponding rows.

  5. From the Map to Bluecore Attribute drop-down menu, select the Bluecore attribute that should be associated to the value in Your Column (Ex: Email).

  6. Click Save & Continue.

After you’ve uploaded a list, an option to configure an uploaded email list appears when building an audience.

  • NOTE: Any email uploaded through this option whose status is not available in the Bluecore platform will default to a known email. To upload emails as opted-in, please use the opt-ins list upload option.


After you've uploaded a one-time email list, you can view all of the previously uploaded files in a dashboard by navigating to Data > Email Lists.


  1. Review the summary to ensure the file is configured correctly.

  2. Click Import File Now.

When the file is done importing, Import Summary will display.

File imports may take up to 24 hours, regardless of file size. Importing and processing times depend on the total number of records uploaded and processed across the entire Bluecore platform at any given time.

Warning: Do not upload a file more than once, as this will further slow down processing. Please contact support if your file import still isn’t complete after 24 hours.


The File Management tool expects a UTF-8 encoded CSV file. For more information on this file format see Save a UTF-8 Compliant File.


Each row in the file must be less than 1 MB and each cell in the file must be less than 1 KB. (Cells for “unindexed” columns can technically be up to 100 KB. Speak with your account manager if the 1 KB cell size limit is of concern to you.)


Email address data rows are suppressed from getting imported if one of the following hold true:

  • More than one @

  • Periods or dots at the beginning or the end

  • Double quotes at the beginning or end

  • “<” or “>” exist only at the beginning or only at the end

  • Address consists of invalid characters: { “(”, “)”, “[”, “]”, “:”, “;”, “\”“, “`”, “¡”, “¢”, “£”, “¤”, “¥”, “¦”, “§”, “¨”, “©”, “ª”, “«”, “ ”, “®”, “¯”, “°”, “±”, “´”, “µ”, “·”, “¸”, “º”, “»”, “¼”, “½”, “¾”, “¾”, “¿”}

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