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Customer Events
Updated over a month ago

Customer Events are recorded actions a customer takes - usually on a retailer’s site - captured by Bluecore and associated with the Customer Profile. The information is then used within audience filters, campaign filters, Site campaign segmentation, and more.

The primary source of event data is the Bluecore Website Integration, which captures your website behavior in near real-time. Once the integration is installed, Bluecore will set up capturing standard and custom events. Typically no additional website changes or updates are needed; for more information, please reference our documentation on allowances to ensure smooth integration.

The standard Customer Events include:

  • add_to_cart

  • remove_from_cart

  • search

  • viewed_cart

  • viewed_product

  • wishlist

  • remove_from_wishlist

  • Viewed_content

An example of a custom event that could be added is quickviewed_product, when some retailer sites have a “quickview” of products. If you hover over the image, it might display price and have a way to add to cart without actually visiting the PDP. The quickviewed_product event would track when a customer has viewed a product using that method.

Purchase events are customer behavior used within a client's data ecosystem. For more, see Purchase Events.


Tracks items added to a customer's shopping cart. When Bluecore receives this event, it updates the Customer Profile with these changes.





A pipe-delimited array of IDs. Each ID is a string.

This is an array of a single object with the key: “id.”

ID refers to the product that was added to cart. The value must match the product ID in your Bluecore product catalog. Only a single product ID is accepted per add_to_cart event.


Tracks items removed from a customer's shopping cart. When Bluecore receives this event, it updates the Customer Profile with these changes.





A pipe-delimited array of IDs. Each ID is a string.

This is an array of a single object with the key: “id.”

ID refers to the product that was removed from the cart. The value must match the product IDs in your Bluecore product catalog.

Typically, only a single product ID is sent with a remove_from_cart event, but up to 30 product IDs can be supported in remove_from_cart per event if needed (ex: clear your cart).

IDs should be unique per array – do not send the same ID multiple times in a single event.


Captures query search behavior through inputs on the client’s site and browse behavior, such as using navigational elements to search categories.

When Bluecore receives this event, it updates the relevant Customer Profile to include the search term used, which can inform content personalization and trigger workflows based on the customer's expressed interests.






This will return the search term used, or the category if the user browsed through navigation.



"query" or "browse"


Used to track when a customer views their shopping cart on the client's site or mobile app. When Bluecore receives this event, it updates the Customer Profile to reflect this interaction and to trigger workflows aimed at encouraging the customer to proceed to checkout.

  • Bluecore automatically includes viewed_cart events in any audience that targets the “add_to_cart” behavior. If the client doesn’t want to trigger an abandoned cart campaign when someone views their cart, then viewed_cart events should not be used or sent.





A pipe-delimited array of IDs. Each ID is a string.

This is an array of objects where each object has the key: “id.”

ID refers to the products in the cart at view time. The value must match the product IDs in your Bluecore product catalog. Up to 30 product IDs are allowed per viewed_cart events.

IDs should be unique per array – do not send the same ID multiple times in a single event.



The retail channel where the purchase took place. Accepted values are in_store, web, mobile_app, call_center, other


The "viewed_product" event tracks when a customer views a product on the retailer's website or mobile app. When Bluecore receives this event, it updates the Customer Profile with this product viewing activity.

Bluecore’s content aggregation method also inspects any product attributes passed in a viewed_product event and compares them with the current values to determine whether the product in your Bluecore product catalog needs updating.





ID refers to the product viewed. The value must match the product IDs in your Bluecore product catalog.


Attributes sent must match the names and types of any existing product attributes.

Viewed_product events can accept any existing product attributes in the products object and Bluecore will inspect the attributes to determine if the product record in Bluecore’s catalog should be updated to match.


Used to track when a customer adds items to their wishlist on the client’s website or mobile app.





ID refers to the product added to a wishlist. The value must match the product IDs in your Bluecore product catalog.


Used to track when a customer removes items from their wishlist on the client’s website or mobile app.





ID refers to the product removed from the wishlist. The value must match the product IDs in your Bluecore product catalog.


Viewed_content is used for Content Sync (if enabled). When Bluecore receives the viewed_content event, it processes and integrates the non-product content data, such as blog posts or articles, into the client’s content catalog so they can display blog/website content in the product blocks of their campaigns.

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