Use Bluecore’s new foldering feature to quickly and easily organize your campaigns for all of Bluecore's product lines (Communicate™, Advertise™, and Site™). You can: create new folders, create a hierarchical structure within folders, and move campaigns into folders.
Access campaign foldering by following the below steps.
Navigate to the flag icon on the left-hand navigation.
Go to Communicate, Site, or Advertise.
Click Automated or One-Time Campaigns for Communicate, or Campaigns for Site and Advertise.
View, search, and sort folders and campaigns with the following actions:
For Bluecore Communicate™ and Advertise™: Apply filters by type, attribute, channel, or status to view folders/campaigns.
For Bluecore Site™: Apply filters by type, template type, device, status, or folder.
Use the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of the page to search for folders/campaigns. Search is available only within the folder you’re currently in (localized search). At this time, you cannot delete/archive campaigns, but rather batch move them.
Create a folder from the campaigns list page or within an existing folder for all Bluecore product lines.
Click the + New button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Click Create New Folder.
Enter a Name for the Folder.
Click Create.
A folder can also be created from within a folder by using the arrow next to the breadcrumb.
Add campaigns to a folder by either of the following actions:
Navigate into the folder and create a campaign directly from the folder.
Click the + New button in the upper right-hand corner to create a new campaign directly from the folder.
Use the batch select option with the checkbox on the left-side of the campaign to select campaigns. Then, click the move to foldering icon at the top of the table.
When deleting a folder in Bluecore Communicate™ or Advertise™, all campaigns within that folder will also be deleted. Folders (with campaigns) can be deleted by either of the following actions:
Using the three dots on the campaigns listing page.
Using the delete action available in the folder breadcrumb.
When deleting a folder, a confirmation popup appears to remind you that all campaigns in that folder will be deleted. This action cannot be undone.
For Bluecore Site™, folders can only be deleted if there are no campaigns within the folder. Folders containing campaigns may only be archived.