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Managing Fonts

Learn more about managing, adding, and configuring fallbacks for custom fonts.

Updated over a week ago

Use the Creative tab in Bluecore to add, manage, and configure fallback fonts for any web-safe fonts that are available to use within Bluecore’s VTE (for both email and Bluecore Site™).

View an at-a-glance summary of:

  • Font Name: For custom fonts, this is the name of the font specified upon upload. For default fonts, this is the name of the font.

  • Fallback: This is the fallback font that will be used if the primary font becomes unavailable. This is configurable for custom fonts, but not for default fonts.

  • Updated by: The user that uploaded the font.

  • Date Updated: The date the font was uploaded.

  • Delete Fonts: Fonts may be deleted here, however any templates that leverage the font will leverage the Fallback font in its place.


You can upload your custom brand fonts to Bluecore to be leveraged in email templates and Bluecore Site™ campaigns.

1. Navigate to the picture icon on the left-hand navigation.

2. Go to Creative > Assets.

3. Click Add New Asset in the upper right-hand corner.

4. Click Add Custom Font.

5. Specify the Font Family Name.

6. Select a fallback font from the drop-down menu. This should be a web-safe font that Bluecore will use when the custom font is not available or not supported by the email client.

7. Then, upload the font files. To configure a font with multiple styles or weights, please upload each font weight separately, and select the weight you are uploading in the drop-down.
NOTE: File types .woff & .woff2 are preferred.

8. Click Next.

9. Review and agree to the Terms & Conditions.
NOTE: You must have the legal rights to use the font in marketing communications. Upon upload, you will be asked to sign Bluecore’s Terms and Conditions of Use. Some font services do not allow their fonts to be shared and used by third-party providers.

10. Click Add Font.


When using the Visual Template Editor, the fonts you’ve uploaded will be available in the font drop-down.


You can preview how your custom fonts look across email clients and browsers for each of your campaigns by going to Summary > Preview and Test > Test Across Email Clients when testing an email. Please note that custom fonts are only supported by some email clients and browsers, so be sure to configure a fallback font!

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