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Managing Images

Learn more about how to upload and organize your creative assets.

Updated over a week ago

Use Assets to bring creative images, GIFs, fonts, and more to life within your campaigns!

Access your image assets by following the below steps.

  1. Navigate to the Creative tab (picture icon) on the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click Assets. By default, you will land on the Images tab.


View, search, and sort folders and images by either of the following actions:

  • Toggle to see all folders and images, active folders and images, or archived folders and images.

  • Sort all items by Name (A-Z), Name (Z-A), or Last Edited.

  • Use the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of the page to search for images or folders. The search bar is a global search. Multiple items can be archived with this option, however you cannot select multiple items and move them.


Create a folder directly from the image asset library or within an existing folder. Create a new folder by following the below steps.

  1. Click the + New button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

  2. Click Create New Folder.

  3. Enter a Name for the folder.

  4. Click Create.

A folder can also be created from within a folder by using the arrow next to the breadcrumb.


Images and other assets can be uploaded within the platform directly at 2 places:

  1. Option 1: Upload assets to your Asset Library

  2. Option 2: Add assets directly to a campaign within VTE (Visual Template Editor)

    1. NOTE: This applies to email, mobile, and site campaigns.

Option 1: Upload Assets to your Asset Library

Access your image assets by following the below steps.

  1. Navigate to the Creative tab (picture icon) on the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click Assets. By default, you will land on the Images tab.

You can add images to the asset library by the following actions:

  1. Click +New in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Upload Image from the dropdown menu.

  3. This will launch the new Upload Image workflow dialog.

  4. Simply drag and drop multiple images into this dialog box OR click Upload to choose an image from your system.

  5. Once the images are selected, review the selection to ensure everything is correct.

  • You can upload a maximum of 50 images at a time. Additionally the total size of the upload should be less than 30MB. Any request larger than that is errored out as below:

  • You can only upload assets less than 5MB in size.

    • NOTE: If you have an asset to upload that is larger than 5MB, like a GIF, use Option 2 to link to an external asset via the Visual Template Editor.

6. Click Upload to add all of the images to your asset library. You will get the below success message.

Option 2: Add Assets Directly to a Campaign in Visual Template Editor

Add an image directly into your campaign by using the image element within the Visual Template Editor (VTE). You can configure an image source here or use the asset manager to configure images.

  1. Open the campaign to which you want to add assets.

  2. Within VTE or the template editor screen, select to add an image.

  3. Click Select Image to the right of Image Source.

4. Select an option below.

5. You can either:

  • Choose an image from your pre-existing assets already uploaded inside the asset library.

  • Upload a new image here in VTE.

    • NOTE: This image will also be added to the asset library.

  • Link to an external image. Link Image opens up a dialog which accepts the public URL of an external hosted image.

    • NOTE: This option should be used in instances where images larger than 5MB need to be used in the creative!

  • NOTE: Only upload 1 image in VTE per image block. Uploading multiple images into a single image block will prompt the below error message.


Images can be moved and organized by either of the following actions:

  • Drag and drop any image into a folder.

  • Click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the image and click move. Then, select a folder.

  • Batch select images by clicking the checkbox in the upper left-hand corner of the image. Select as many images as necessary, and then use the move icon in the toolbar to move the images to a folder.


By archiving a folder, all of its contents will also be archived. Archive a folder by either of the following actions:

  • Click the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of an image or folder. Click Archive. Follow the prompt on the modal as shown below to archive the item.

  • Using the breadcrumb within a folder, click the drop-down and select Archive.

  • Batch select images or folders by clicking the checkbox in the upper left-hand corner of the image/folder. Select as many items as necessary, and then use the archive icon in the toolbar to move the images to a folder.


All images or folders that are archived can also be restored. View all archived items by selecting archived from the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner. Then, select and move any items to restore, similar to how they were archived. A modal will appear confirming this action, as shown below:

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