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Dynamic Attributes in Bluecore

Learn more about the attributes that are available to you in Bluecore to use within your campaigns.

Updated over a week ago

Bluecore leverages the dynamic templating language Jinja in order to personalize emails to individual customers.

You can personalize based on:

  • The attributes of the customer (e.g. name, gender, email, etc.)

  • The attributes of the products featured (e.g. product category, name, etc.)


If you want to add a Customer Attribute to the Subject Line or Preview Text, click on the plus sign next to the text field:

If you are in the Visual Template Editor, select a text widget and the option to “Add customer attribute”:

Select the attribute you would like to dynamically populate, and select the fallback value in case the attribute is not available for the eligible customer. (If any attributes are missing, either upload them via File Imports or contact your CSM to have them added to your integration.)


Hi {{}}, we miss you. Displays as: Hi Lauren, we miss you.


In order to populate dynamic product attributes, you’ll have to write a little code.

Here are the steps:

  • Create or add a template with a Dynamic Product Block to a campaign

  • Name the Dynamic Product Block in VTE

  • In the subject line field or within a VTE text widget, reference the name of the Dynamic Product Block (e.g. recommendations) and add the attribute you would like to reference (e.g. name or category). You can either feature an attribute value of the first product or the most common attribute value of all of the products featured.

  • In order to know what attributes are available for use, visit the Bluecore Catalog page. To add attributes, please contact your CSM.


Here is an example to populate the name of the first product from the chosen Dynamic Product Block:

If you like {{}}, these will rock your world! Displays as: If you like DryFit Shorts, these will rock your world.

Most Common Attribute Value from Dynamic Product Block

Here is an example that uses category from the mode (i.e., the most popular category for the specified products):

Looking for {{chosen_block_name.products|mode('category')}}? We picked these just for you! Displays as: Looking for shirts? We picked these just for you.


On the Summary page, you will be able to view a handful of real emails that would be generated based on your Customer List and Product Catalog.

Review variations of the Dynamic Copy prior to launching the campaign to ensure everything is set up properly.

Example of proofs for a dynamic subject line: 

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