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Dashboard Overview

View an at-a-glance overview of your customer activity metrics for the last week.

Updated over a year ago

The Dashboard displays business insights for the past week, giving you a quick overview of your customer activity and helping you figure out what to do next. Insights include:

  • Bluecore Revenue Last Week

  • List Health

  • Active Customer Trends Last Week

  • Customer Purchase Activity Last Week

  • Rockstars Last Week

  • Hidden Gems Last Week

  • Cash Cows Last Week


The Bluecore Revenue Last Week section displays a snapshot of your campaign analytics for the past week (i.e., Sunday to Saturday).

  1. Revenue generated in the last week by Bluecore email campaigns compared to total revenue generated the week before (i.e., what percentage it is up or down).

  2. Last week’s top performing campaigns. This includes the total revenue generated that week, and the revenue per email.

  3. To view more detailed analytics, click Go to Campaign Analytics. For more information Campaign Analytics, see Campaign Analytics Overview.


The List Health section displays an overview of your current customer list.

View a breakdown of your identified customer list by customer life-cycle stage:

  • Active (Blue): Customers who have made a purchase within their typical buying cycle.

  • At-Risk (Yellow): Customers who have deviated from their typical buying cycle and are at risk of never purchasing from your site again.

  • Lost (Red): Customers who have a high probability of never purchasing from your site again; they have exceeded the threshold of their typical buying cycle.

Note: This breakdown includes shoppers of all eligibility statuses (opted in, known, unsubscribed).

To view more details about your list health, click Go to Audiences. For more information about audiences, see Audiences Overview.


The Active Customer Trends Last Week section displays last week’s changes to your customer list, based on your customers’ lifecycle stage.


The Customer Purchase Activity Last Week section shows the total number of customers who purchased last week, divided into three groups:

  • First Time Buyers (Purple): Customer who made their first purchase in the last week.

  • New Repeat Buyers (Blue): Customers who made their second purchase in the last week.

  • Loyal Repeat Buyers (Green): Customers who have purchased more than twice in the their lifetime and made another purchase in the last week.


The Rockstars Last Week section highlights the top fifteen products with the highest conversion rates and most customer views.

Use the arrow at the bottom of the section to scroll through the products. To view current Rockstars, navigate to Audience Insights.


The Hidden Gems Last Week section highlights the top fifteen products with the highest conversion rates but fewest customer views.

Use the arrow at the bottom of the section to scroll through the products. To view current Hidden Gems, navigate to Audience Insights.

  • NOTE: Audience Insights is in beta. For access, please talk to your Customer Success Manager.


The Cash Cows Last Week sections highlight the top ten products that have generated the most revenue in the past week.

To view current Cash Cows, navigate to Audience Insights.

  • NOTE: Audience Insights is in beta. For access, please talk to your Customer Success Manager.

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