Identification Providers Report

Use this report to understand the your site ID rate by identification provider, so you can make informed decisions to increase your ID rate!

Updated this week

Identification (ID) Providers allow you to re-identify shoppers and increase your identification rate quickly.

The Bluecore Identification (ID) Provider Analytics report provides a complete view of your website identification rates. The ID Provider Analytics report tracks the analytics for the Bluecore Transparent ID Network, as well as Merkury (previously known as 4Cite). Use this report to understand the total site ID rate by identification provider to make informed improvements to drive the identification rate higher. The higher your ID rate, the more customers you can reach with your communications.


Access your ID Provider Analytics by following the below steps.

  1. Navigate to the Analytics tab (chart icon) in the left-hand navigation.

  2. Under the Identification menu item, Select ID Provider.


Filters are available at the top of the report. They can be used to refine the available data within the Identification analytics. After applying a filter, be sure to click the run button

at the top right-hand of the screen to apply the applicable filters.

  • Session Start Date: The specified time frame to show ID analytics.

    • Users can input pre-selected filters by clicking on “Presets” or input specific date ranges by clicking on “Custom”


This block displays the Overall ID Rate for the selected “Session Start Date” and the contribution to the Overall ID Rate from both Bluecore and the ID Network. ID Network consists of Merkury and Bluecore Transparent ID Network.

The bar chart represents the ID rate, broken down providers such as Bluecore, Merkury, Transparent ID Network, etc. ID rates of all providers are cumulative. The overall ID rate displayed on top of each bar is a sum of contributions from all ID providers.

  • Session Start Date: The date associated with the session. A session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame. The Bluecore session starts when a user opens the site and ends after 30 minutes. If the user is still active on-site after 30 minutes, a new session will start.

  • ID Rate: The percent of sessions that can be associated with an email address. ID rate is calculated as (total identified session count / total session count)


View detailed ID rate breakdown by device and traffic source.

NOTE: Click the ellipsis (three vertical dots) on the top right corner of the chart to download the data.

  • Session Start Date: The date associated with the session.

  • Total Sessions: The total number of user interactions with your website. The session starts when a user opens the site and ends after 30 minutes. If the user is still active on-site after 30 minutes, a new session will start.

  • Total Identified Sessions: The total number of sessions that can be associated with an email address of the user.

  • Overall ID Rate: The percent of sessions that can be associated with an email address.

    • ID rate is calculated as (total identified session count / total session count)

  • Bluecore Identified Sessions: The total number of sessions that are identified by Bluecore’s patented and deterministic methodology to identify anonymous web traffic

  • Bluecore Contribution to ID Rate: ID rate contributed by Bluecore methods and best practices

    • Calculated as (bluecore identified session count / total session count)

  • Transparent ID Network Identified Sessions: The total number of sessions that are identified by Bluecore’s Transparent ID Network

  • Transparent ID Network Contribution to ID Rate: ID rate contributed by Transparent ID Network’s real time resolution

    • Calculated as (Transparent ID Network identified session count / total session count)

  • Merkury Identified Sessions: The total number of sessions that are identified by Merkury. Merkury (previously known as 4Cite) is a vendor that uses various methods of customer identification to connect shopper behavior on site to a valid email address.

  • Merkury Contribution to ID Rate: ID rate contributed by Merkury’s real time resolution

    • Calculated as (Merkury identified session count / total session count)

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