alby uses existing data within your product catalog to feed its FAQs.
Information such as the product’s name, price, URL, and description are necessary for alby to provide the most accurate information about your products.
The product description is a detailed and comprehensive text that is crucial for the functionality of alby's AI features. This description should be as robust and thorough as possible, encompassing all relevant details, benefits, and specific attributes of the variant-level product.
For more information, see product catalog.
Adding a product catalog
Adding the product description to your catalog may vary depending on how long you’ve been with Bluecore.
Partners with an existing product feed
If you’re already a Bluecore partner and use a product feed, no action is required on your end. The Bluecore Website Integration will pick up the product description from your site’s product detail pages (PDPs.)
Partners without an existing product feed
If you’re a new alby customer, or don’t already have a product feed set up through Bluecore, you’ll need to set up a managed feed.
With a managed feed, your engineering team sets up a scheduled file drop to a Bluecore-owned or client-owned and externally hosted SFTP folder. The Bluecore FDE team sets up recurring jobs to grab the data, providing clean and transform services if needed, then the updated information is processed by Bluecore.
To begin the process of setting up a managed feed, contact your CSM.